Is normal soap all I need?

Recently I read rinsing the chicken usually spreads more the bacteria we’re trying to kill by cooking it, and I’ve been doing this in the sink.

So I’m wondering if even without rinsing the chicken the knives, cutting boards, even just my hands touching the raw chicken could be also spreading bacteria after washing them with only soap.

    1 year ago

    Hot water and soap. If you have a dishwasher, it gets plenty hot enough to kill bacteria on cutting-board surfaces.

    If you’re concerned about the sink surface, consider using peroxide wipes. Hydrogen peroxide mechanically destroys bacterial cells by generating oxygen gas that bursts them. If you see it bubbling, that means it’s working: the peroxide is reacting with organic matter and producing oxygen.

    If you don’t have peroxide, diluted chlorine bleach works too, but generates unpleasant vapors, while peroxide only generates oxygen gas.