Huffman has said, “We are not in the business of giving that [Reddit’s content] away for free.” That stance makes sense. But it also ignores the reality that all of Reddit’s content has been given to it for free by its millions of users. Further, it leaves aside the fact that the content has been orchestrated by its thousands of volunteer moderators.


    • Square
      1 year ago

      take legal action against the company or organisation File an action directly in court against a company/organisation if you believe that it has violated your data protection rights.

      That’s from the link.

      I said, you can be sued for GDPR violations. “Take legal action” = “sue someone”.

      Also, yes, you can very much sue for emotional damages and real damages due to GDPR violations. The difference between US and EU is that emotional damages in the EU are a few €100 and not a few 1000 or even 10000.

      But if you do really leak data (e.g. passwords) and these are then abused for something else, then you are talking about serious costs.

      Here you got a link about how the European Court of Justice confirms that emotional damages for GDPR violations is a thing:

        • Square
          1 year ago

          That’s what you have Cease and Desists for.

          In Germany and Austria (and potentially other European countries, I don’t know), the recipient of a cease and desist letter has to pay the fee of the lawyer who sent the letter and also damages, unless they want to go to court over the matter. The price is usually ~€200-500.

          These are often sent out in fairly large volumes and are used exactly for this case. Suing for a few €100 is not worth the effort, so you send out written warnings and most people will comply. You only sue in the few cases that won’t comply, so that the threat is real.

          This is mostly an issue for smaller companies, since a few €100 can really throw off their budget.

          Considering that most Lemmy instances are one-man shows that are run as a hobby without any real budget, this is a serious threat here.

          Have a look at the map of Lemmy instances:

          A huge part of them (over 1/3) are operated out of Germany, and all of them would be vulnerable to this kind of legal attack.