A video explaining modern monetary theory and how with a little Marxism it can benefit everyone.

  • unfreeradical@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I am not debating you.

    I offered perspective on the speech, because you urged me to watch it.

    Yet, as before, you continue to be more interested in arguing than engaging, acting as though you hold a special truth superior to any other contribution. As before, you misunderstand the position being presented, not even seeking to broaden understanding.

    As before, you express a grievance about a perceived failure to condemn Russia.

    It serves no purpose for an American to explain to other Americans that Russia invading Ukraine is unacceptable. Everyone already agrees. Even CPUSA has clarified as much in writing.

    Please take a few days or weeks to reflect, and then review the perspectives offered to you.

    In case you have concerns, I am certain that many will be willing to discuss with you in good faith.

    Please try to avoid ranting insults whenever someone fails to affirm a position identical to yours. Such behavior sows division and discord, and it damages movements and relationships. You are not obligated to agree with anyone, or to consider anyone your ally, but please seek to understand others more strongly than you seek to condemn them.

    • TheBlue22
      1 year ago

      Who are you to give me advice? All you have done is defend people who support brutal dictatorships.

      I was not looking for a perspective on the speech nor the video. It was created in bad faith with the purpose of affirming already held false beliefs or to confuse those that don’t know any better.

      I will throw insults at tankies. They deserve nothing but. I am not looking to make them my friends. I understand what tankies believe, and it disgusts me to no end.

      I don’t need reflection. You need to reflect on who you are actually defending.