NFC might soon take the ‘tap’ out of tap-to-pay.
That defeats the whole purpose. We have Bluetooth for that.
Respectfully, did you read the article? They’re talking about NFC increasing the range from ~5mm to 30mm. It’s not about competing with Bluetooth use cases, it’s about an improvement in the user experience with contactless payments and door access, etc.
It’s an increase to 30mm…
Going from 5mm to 30mm range doesn’t really overlap with Bluetooth use cases.
NFC might soon take the ‘tap’ out of tap-to-pay.
I can’t think of anything worse. I don’t want to walk past a payment kiosk and accidentally pay for who knows what.
Is it really a big problem right now?
Like we have Bluetooth for medium range, wifi for long range, and NFC for short range.
I would argue it’s a feature.“Long range” in this case is 30mm to make smacking your phone on the pad less frustrating.