To start, I’m glad that your ship inventory follows you when you switch home ships. It would be a pain to have to transfer everything manually and end up with multiple ships housing forgotten inventory forcing you to search ship after ship in your fleet to find specific items. However, my primary ship is built out to have an armory with cool things I’ve found displayed in weapon cases, on racks, etc. When you switch your home-ship, everything is dumped in to main inventory on the new ship, and even if you switch back to your original ship, the items are again dumped in to the main inventory. Not only does this hamstring the coolness of being able to display gear on a ship, but it can screw you over if the display items put your total inventory overweight in main storage. Over the course of certain questlines, you need to switch ships for the story, or maybe you come across a ship you decide to “liberate”, or maybe it’s a ship is a quest reward, regardless, your inventories get jumbled up. It seems to me, that your items could be tagged by the game to indicate which storage they were in (main, captain’s, other, display) so that as they move from ship to ship they can be better located. Additionally, I think the game could save the state of your inventory items and when they go back to a ship you’ve already set up, they would default to where they were before. I guess we’ll have to see what the modders can do.
TLDR: Why would I take the time to display my items if it’s all going to get thrown in to main storage anytime I switch ships…?
Part of me wishes that inventory was tracked separately between ships, and content was kept persistent when you swap them out. I get that the shared inventory is convenient, but it also just feels very weird when what you’re really doing is building a fleet of ships that should still exist persistently.
It’s almost like they want you to really just build one personal ship and stick with it, but on the other hand they keep throwing you into scenarios where you are made to pilot different ships that automatically change what your home ship is.
Since the cargo modules themselves are basically just shipping containers slotted into standard-size holders, why not just do it the old fashioned way, have inventory tracked per container, and let players choose to move the ship inventory from ship to ship while keeping the interior contents persistent for each ship?
I don’t even care about the items and they keep respawning when I switch ships. I have to keep jettisoning 1000 plates into space
I’m with that. I’d be fine if my displayed items just stayed in my primary ship and didn’t move when I changed ships. Ultimately I wish that it was all shared storage a la Fallout 4, but then ship inventory capacity would be made irrelevant.
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So dumb. I realized I forgot to paint a part after putting everything where I wanted it and wound up just leaving that piece unpainted until the next big overhaul since it would just jumble everything up again
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I think a lot could be solved if there was one ‘crate’ in each location/ship, that was your ‘shared access storage’ for your outposts, ships, and ‘constellation apartment storage’ (that doesn’t connect to anything and is inconvenient to use). That way, all the other storage boxes, displays, random stuff laying around would be ship/location specific. If there ever was a conflict, it could default to shared storage and because there’s already a ‘new items’ inventory filter, you’d always know what was new in the storage.
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Yep, I set some stuff up one time and then swapped home ships only because I wanted to o steal and sell one, and you can’t sell one without registering it, and you can’t register it unless it’s your home ship.
I can understand why they made it this way, to a certain extent, but Bethesda games are- even more than other modern games- a power fantasy of becoming the best of the best without compromise, and being unable to have persistent decoration or even multi-container storage across ships feels restricting and further disincentivizes having multiple ships even more than unlimited fuel already does.
I at least would like the option to register and sell ships without making them your home ship, so at least if you wanted a single ship decorated and with the storage you want, that you could keep it that way without making engagement with other mechanics and quest lines impossible.
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I don’t believe you can sell a ship anywhere without registering. I haven’t found a way or read about it anywhere. Registering a ship to sell is more of an economy balance thing, it lowers the amount you get back for selling.
Bethesda seems to have very deliberately removed most of the common get rich quick methods, like having tons of houses and apartments to rob and such, so registering before selling ensures you can make money off ships, but it won’t give you end game money in two hours of grinding or anything.
That being said, they could’ve solved that issue in a more clever fashion than that.
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How’s this gripe; ‘B’ is bound to, depending on the inventory, Favorite, Equip, or Jettison. So if you are distracted and go to Equip/Favorite an item it just gets trashed. Big sad for quest reward gun :(