The difference between European countries and America is becoming so stark. Anyone reading or watching global news has to see how backwards this country is and that it’s only getting worse.

    1 year ago

    I worked at Albert Heijn in my teens and they stopped selling coca cola as they couldn’t agree on a price.

    Cola wanted to increase the consumer price to €1,35 for 1.5 liter bottles.

    It took quite some time before the store had coca cola in stock.

    I bought a bottle a couple weeks ago as we had some friends over and i laughed so hard out of misery. That same fucking bottle now costs €2,49 at Albert Heijn.

    Store brand is 89 cents, which is what we used to pay for original cola .5 liter bottles.

    Guys, it’s just water with a bit of flavouring in it. We should all just collectively stop buying these famous brands and watch them burn. Lol