include ota btw

    29 months ago

    I moved out of my parents house and never signed up with a provider. So I didn’t cut the cord so much as I avoided entanglement in the first place.

    My primary source of entertainment is just the basic, free YouTube. For any TV shows I like to watch, I usually catch them on Hulu. Sometimes I’ll have to go to the specific channels website instead (like if I want to watch Ghosts, I have to watch it on CBS). I currently have Netflix (gift card) and Prime (free month) but haven’t really seen anything worth watching recently.

    Very importantly, I use ad block which makes some of these options less obnoxious to use (cough YouTube cough)

    9 months ago

    I never got too into tv. Never had cable growing up. It’s weird when I visit somewhere and see a commercial. YouTube, Prime (I buy lots of random stuff so I already have it), torrents w/ Plex for organization. I’m slowly switching to jellyfin though.