I hear that plastic bags are soon to be banned? How will that affect you? I’ve already thought about rubbish bags and bin liners and I don’t know what the alternative will be yet. If they replace plastic rubber bags with those thick paper ones what is to stop people hiding a plastic bag inside of it? How will it be policed? Will the border customs staff be seizing imported plastic bags at the border?

  • SamC@lemmy.nz
    1 year ago

    I’m fairly sure biodegradable bags are not banned, so those are still an option. A lot of the time produce doesn’t need a bag, e.g. bananas, apples, carrots (just need to wash them). You can bring your own fabric bags if you need to. The paper bags they have at more supermarkets are pretty good, and last for a while before you have to recycle them.

    Our rubbish system is to have ice cream containers (one for rubbish, one for compost) with no liner. Easy to clean out when you need to. It works for us, because it’s just me an my partner, and we reduce, reuse, recycle a lot. We probably fill a council rubbish bag once every 3-4 months (although more often when we’re fostering kittens).

    It takes a bit of effort, and I’m sure it’s harder with kids, but it’s definitely possible. If we can’t all find ways to sacrifice a bit of convenience for the sake of the environment, we’re pretty screwed.