AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas state police will not discipline any more of its officers over the Uvalde school shooting that left 19 children and two teachers dead as heavily armed agents hesitated to confront the lone gunman, a spokesperson confirmed Friday.
Ironically, burgers are more a Midwest thing. Texas is all about the bbq beef and chili
As a southerner, Texas is the Midwest. Sorry y’all.
You don’t get to “no true scotsman” your way out of this.
Y’all Mason-dixie lined that motherfucker.
That line is wrong though. West Virginia only exists because it was the half of Virginia that didn’t want to be in the Confederacy.
Man, Kansas has their ass on Texas’s head. It’s the Midwest.
I did realise that after I posted actually. Never been there but have heard a lot about Texas bbq