Meta Services is a background app that is installed alongside most (if not all) Meta apps.
The good thing about it is that it allows you to get notified on real time about things that go on on your Facebook or Instagram app.
The bad thing is that it is notoriously heavier than other real time notification services (probably due to data collection) that do not require a separate app to keep the sync going. 🕑
By the way my screenshot is showing Android 10’s default task manager. 🖥️
Maybe they changed its name but I have Messenger installed and I don’t see “Meta Services” among my apps.
it isn’t an app I don’t think, it’s something running in the background, I assume OP’s got some kind of task manager
Meta Services is a background app that is installed alongside most (if not all) Meta apps.
The good thing about it is that it allows you to get notified on real time about things that go on on your Facebook or Instagram app.
The bad thing is that it is notoriously heavier than other real time notification services (probably due to data collection) that do not require a separate app to keep the sync going. 🕑
By the way my screenshot is showing Android 10’s default task manager. 🖥️
Oh wow I didn’t know this, I’ve never really seen it before. Thanks for the info!! ≧◡≦
It makes sense that Messenger does not require a separate background app because it sole propouse is to recieve messages.
Unlike the Facebook app for example, which notifies comments, likes, group activity, birthdays and so on.