Will Bunch expresses what I’ve been thinking since Trump was elected. American democracy is under attack from within. The fascists who yearn for an authoritarian government in the media are promoting it, and the media who supposedly don’t support it fail to recognize it. They are busy trying to follow the political playbook of the 20th century.

  • Naia
    1 year ago

    The fuck are you smoking? Nazis were hyper capitalist to a fault and is half the reason their war machine failed.

    Republicans are banning books, trying to control what people can say and people can dress. They are stripping rights from every marginalized group, starting with trans people and already moving towards gay people. They also want to strip people of their right to vote, strip women of their bodily autonomy, and try every tactic they can to grab and hold power.

    The most well known people on the right are self described Christian nationalists. They all constantly spew fascist rhetoric.

    But because you are a white man you don’t see any of it. If it’s not happening to you then it must not be happening. Meanwhile, the policy implemented by republicans are a mirror of the start nazi Germany, down to targeting queer people.

      • Naia
        1 year ago

        Nazi Germany didn’t start with the SS. They started with vilifying marginalized groups and blaming the issues is capitalism on their targets.

        … You are either woefully ignorant or a troll.