So-called “puff” devices generate habits among young people that can lead to tobacco addiction, she added.
However, the government does not plan to raise taxes on tobacco next year after an increase this year, the prime minister said.
So-called “puff” devices generate habits among young people that can lead to tobacco addiction, she added.
However, the government does not plan to raise taxes on tobacco next year after an increase this year, the prime minister said.
Are you sure throwing away lithium isn’t …god what is that word?
it’s that thing, where something… guAAH tipofmytounge
That’s it. Are sure sure throwing away lithium isn’t bad?
I haven’t thrown away any lithium, and lots of people I know are the same are way, looking for a way to get it into the recycling chain.
So what do you care if something you don’t do (and seem to agree is bad) gets banned?