Growth in german wind capacity is slowing. Soo… then the plan is to keep on with lignite and gas? Am I missing something?

Installed Wind Capacty - Germany

German Wind Capacity

  • Blake [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Watch this, I can make you ragequit this entire argument with this one comment with like a 90% confidence rate:

    Prove either of these two statements as false:

    1. The total cost per kWh of nuclear electricity is more expensive than common renewable sources of electricity.

    2. The total amount of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions for nuclear is greater than the carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of common renewable sources of electricity.

    Either that or you can loftily declare yourself above this argument, state that I am somehow moving the goalposts, say that “there’s no point, I’ll never change your mind” or just somehow express some amount of increduiity at my absolutely abhorrent behaviour by asking you such a straightforward question? You may also choose “that’s not the question I want to talk about, we should answer MY questions instead!”

    But go ahead and prove me wrong, I’ll be waiting!

    • lntl@lemmy.mlOP
      1 year ago

      Nice. Topic change.

      For real though, you’ve got a lot of energy on this. That’s great. Use it to go after fossil fuels, they’re the ones damaging the climate. Costs are indeed a concern with expanding nuclear but money’s not a problem. Emissions are. If we need more we’ll just print more like we always do.

      • Blake [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Ah yeah, that’s the stuff, right there. It’s like fucking heroin right into my veins. I ask you directly to contradict the entire underlying basis for my entire original argument and you declare that it’s a “topic change”. I don’t know why you love defending the nuclear industry so much, but man, the entertainment value alone, it’s great stuff.

        Use it to go after fossil fuels, they’re the ones damaging the climate

        How about you take that little hit to your ego, admit that you were wrong, and start being right? We’ve all been there man, I used to be a big supporter of nuclear energy too, you can join me in recovery and we can fight against investments in both fossil fuels AND nuclear AT THE SAME TIME. It’s almost unbelievable I know but we’re actually capable of more advanced thought than “the mineral fuel enemy of my fossil fuel enemy is my friend”. Every million dollars spent on nuclear would have been better spent as half a million on renewables and then burying the other half a million in a hole in the ground. Obviously spending the whole million on renewables would be good as well but I know that it’s just not the same generating power without having some big hole in the ground being dug as part of that process so I’m willing to come to a compromise.

        • lntl@lemmy.mlOP
          1 year ago

          I won’t fight against anything that helps the climate, even if it’s expensive. It’s unfortunate that anyone would. Do you really think when our grandchildren inherit the land, they’ll be proud that their ancestors saved money when caring for the atmosphere?

          This isn’t about being right or wrong, or arguing about stupid things with a loon from the internet. It’s about the atmosphere, don’t forget that.

          • Blake [he/him]
            1 year ago

            Again, compared to nuclear, renewables are:

            • Cheaper
            • Lower emissions
            • Faster to provision
            • Less environmentally damaging
            • Not reliant on continuous consumption of fuel
            • Decentralised
            • Much, much safer
            • Much easier to maintain
            • More reliable
            • Much more responsive to changes in energy demands

            Name a single good fucking thing nuclear does better than renewables.

            • lntl@lemmy.mlOP
              1 year ago

              omg who are you even talking to? It seems like your copy-pasting responses without reading who you’re talking to. You’re coming off a little looney which is unfortunate because it makes what your talking about sound looney too.

              • Blake [he/him]
                1 year ago

                “I can’t argue with your logic so I’ll just call you crazy instead”, that’s an absolute classic, good choice

                I didn’t respond to the wrong person, you’re just mad that you’re losing an argument because your position is wrong.

      1 year ago

      The total cost per kWh of nuclear electricity is more expensive than common renewable sources of electricity.

      Subsidize nuclear as much as renewables and the price equalizes.

      The total amount of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions for nuclear is greater than the carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of common renewable sources of electricity.

      This is incorrect, objectively.