Social media is on the decline. Instagram is all ads. No one’s posting on BeReal. TikTok is for influencers. The new place for sharing: group chats.
Social media is on the decline. Instagram is all ads. No one’s posting on BeReal. TikTok is for influencers. The new place for sharing: group chats.
There used to be a time when corporations were taxed so hard they did everything they could to reinvest their money into the company/employees/communities just to avoid it going to taxes. Unfettered capitalism destroys the humanity in everything it touches.
Unfetteredcapitalism destroys the humanity in everything it touches.Ftfy
Yes, the name itself gives it away that the only thing to be considered, real or not, is to be the capital and the extraction of value over everything under the sun…
And, according to you, what is better alternative to capitalism?
Communism silly.