• CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    In 2016 they kept up stupid narratives about how “shrill” or “unlikable” Hillary was to “some” people as well. Also, they gave horse race style/ bothsiderist coverage to right’s utter nonsense about BENGHAAAAAAZIIII and things like email servers.

    They also decidedly did NOT give the real backstory on donnie and did absolutely nothing to really vet him for an American public that mostly only knew him from being a Bigly Successful Bidnessman on a game show someone else built around his fake image…

    Even for the famous tape where he is caught bragging about sexual assault, they chose to focus on the p-word and the pearl-clutching over how that is “locker room talk”, when the key issue is really that he’s bragging about sexually assaulting women because of the power imbalance, and not because he said the word “pussy”. Yeah, the media absolutely flubbed even that much.

    • root_beer@midwest.social
      2 years ago

      Flubbed, or just did like they always do and treat him (and his chud army) with kid gloves? I doubt they’d have used the “oh my stars please get me to the fainting couch” strat had Hillary bragged about grabbing a dude by the dick.

      • CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        Flubbed, or just did like they always do and treat him (and his chud army) with kid gloves?

        Oh I have little doubt that quite a few within the media absolutely delighted in the idea of giving him lots and lots of airtime in order to fatten their wallets, and also a good deal of them really seem to just hate and despise the Clintons, especially Hillary, so they took every opportunity to take a shot at her. I do think quite a few thought that it was one big freaking joke and he could “never” win and engaged in lots and lots of bothsiderism over fears that the right will declare they are biased, hilariously, for the left.

        The right declares the media are all liberals anyway, no matter what they do, so I have no idea why there are so many in the media that bend over backwards to do the “objective” bothsiderist things.