My parents are landlords of a medium apartment with a family of 4 living inside it. Is it hypocritical for me to be a Marxist-Leninist when my parents are landlords? especially considering what past revolutionaries have done to landlords (Mao). To clarify things, i do not agree with the concept of landlord-ism and how my parents (and me too from a broader view) are benefiting from someone else’s income while doing nothing except owning basic human needs

    2 years ago

    The property managers do the actual work, but the cost of managing the property is often significantly smaller than the total collected from the properties. Even in cases where it is not, they are taking advantage of their luck to buy a property, and have a government backed means of taking money from other people without doing work. If any given landlord did not do the landlord thing, another landlord would do the same thing, because that is the assumption within capitalism. I understand you think there are no other alternatives, but other arrangements like housing cooperatives can be built instead of landlords leeching off of others.