content: image of google “moderating” (i.e. eliminating, permanently, without apparent recourse) an entry in a user’s URL collection/bookmarks. the entry is for kickasstorrents. (archive)

I recall seeing an example of them doing something like this to people’s gdocs stuff (and iirc that was on paid account, but I could be misremembering). seems like they’re ramping up the where to more coverage of their services/assets

    2 年前

    Attention, citizen of the digital realm! It appears your literary prowess has led you astray. The all-seeing algorithm has detected an unauthorized deployment of the term ‘Orwellian.’ In compliance with the Digital Media Copyright Act, your message has been temporarily quarantined for further inspection. Please proceed to your nearest Google Station, where our friendly thought monitors will assess the extent of your linguistic transgression. Remember, ignorance of doublethink is no excuse! Beep boop.