Shoutout to Mr. and Mrs. “E” for their upstairs and downstairs VCRs always set to the correct time.
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Shoutout to Mr. and Mrs. “E” for their upstairs and downstairs VCRs always set to the correct time.
Related Question: What is the 2025 equivalent to this?
There are Genz who are older than the DVD. I’m certain that the majority of them would know what a VCR is. Unless they were very rich, they still watched movies on tape when they were little. That’s before we talk about how the VCR//DVD combo unit was the most popular option well into the DVD life cycle because most people didn’t want to re-buy what they already had on tape. VCR didn’t really die until Blu-ray kicked it off the combo unit with the DVD which wasn’t until like 2007. Some of them were in middle school by then
I’m a gen Z, we still had VCRs and CRT TVs when I was a kid. We weren’t quick to switch to DVD and didn’t have an LCD screen til the mid 2010s. Schools were still using the TVs on wheels with VCRs as well, half of them had “be cafeful, it eats tape!” labels on them.
The DVD became popular in the late 1990s-early 2000s. My PC in 1997 had a DVD player
Yup. Released in 97’ in the US. Not sure why you felt this needed to be added, but yes. You have stated several true facts.