“Canada Proud is part of a network of conservative groups and social media pages initially founded by conservative activist Jeff Ballingall”
Anyone who follows these pages on social medias should know. They are literally propaganda pages, and are loaded with disinformation and misinformation. And if you know people who uses social medias, they should know.
some exemples of sheer lies, source here
"In 2020, PressProgress reported that Canada Proud was falsely claiming that the federal government had banned Remembrance Day ceremonies.
In 2021, PressProgress reported of Canada Proud claimed that COVID-19 vaccines were being distributed according to “skin colour.”
A significant issue here, and what’s specifically highlighted in this post, is that this group has strong and direct ties to the CPC leader, and so its status as “third party” is questionable.
Plus the blatant and flagrant lying about things and people.
Like, if the union heads had worked on Carney’s leadership campaign and then started running ads saying that Poilievre was a habitual cat rapist, all as a means to create the false perception that there were multiple independent groups opposing PP…
But sure, the situations are totally symmetrical.
I’m old enough to remember the “Harper will put soldiers on our streets” ads but ok buddy.
Those ads were clearly identified as originating with the Liberal Party. The one you mentioned was only available on the LPC website.
The problem with third party ads/content (particularly those by party-affiliated groups like Canada Proud) is that you don’t know who is paying for them, or why.
Attack ads are always shitty. I really wish they weren’t a thing, but that horse has left the barn.