I’m so selfish for not wanting to end up in a concentration camp. And the rest of the world is now so much better off with Donald Trump at the helm of the biggest military in the world.
Things are definitely better in places like Ukraine and Gaza. The Trump regime has absolutely had their best interests at heart. /S
We can agree that our entire political system has been corrupted by money? Right?
What makes people naively believe that our electoral processes have not been corrupted in the same exact way? Some delusional belief in American democratic exceptionalism?
In germany their highest court decided that electronic voting is unconstitutional because it is impossible to differentiate between fraudulent results and legitimate ones for laypeople/anyone who isnt a cybersecurity or IT expert.
Both parties are fascist albeit to differing degrees but both parties blatantly exhibit 13 of 14 traits of fascist regimes. The one trait they can claim plausible deniability in regards to is fraudulent elections. But if our corporate owned leaders have allowed our society to disintegrate to fascism 93% of the way then its pretty illogical to believe they would stop short and work diligently to prevent the last 7% from reaching that point.
There is the Princeton study done within the lasy 2 decades that concluded the amount of influence one has on our political system and any legislated policy is directly proportional to the amount of wealth you have with regular working class people having a statistically near zero irrelevant amount of influence on any policy regardless of how popular or unpopular it may be. Since lewis f powell’s pro corporate supreme court decisions paved the way for citizens united and the erosion of our constitutional republic and its comprising democratic elements it has now become apparent for anyone paying attention that every aspect of our political system is for sale to the highest bidder and most likely the reality is that our presidential elections are rigged and have been since at least reagan. But even before then there was likely corruption involved since it is pretty much a historical fact that jfk won the presidency in no small part due to a backroom deal his father made with the mafia because of the connections he had made during his time establishing a bootleging empire during prohibition.
Ok. But the Dems and Republicans aren’t the same. Like I agree with you that our system is beyond fucked, but that doesn’t mean both of our shitty parties are equally shitty. If you want to pretend like the Obama or Biden administrations were the same as the Trump administration you just as much in a fantasy as someone who thinks the Democrats are actually competent and well-meaning.
Like shit, I’m not pretending like voting is the be-all end-all of civic action: FAR from it. That’s why voting, at best, is harm reduction. But fuck, it’s so goddamn easy, and why would we want to ceade ground for no reason?
The dems only pretend to be different. They don’t have to be the same if the financial entities who fund control and dictate their decisions and actions are the dame financial interests behind the republican party.
Look ip the ratchet effect. Basically when the Republican party is in power things move as dar to the left as possible then when dems are in they pretend to tru to push progress to the left but the mechanism just ratchets back without moving anything meaningful to the left then the right comes back in and boom more progress to the left.
Whag did democracy just do this last election cycle? They ignored constituents and refused to move any policy to the left and instead courted “moderate republicans” and touted endorsments from liz cheney joe walsh and other past republican leaders as wins? The Democratic party is not a left party they are a neo liberal right wing party. They are the other wing on the same bird and that bird is shitting all over you.
They only differ in rhetoric. Deportations exploded under Obama and were higher than Trump’s first term. Drone strikes skyrocketed. Biden approved record breaking amounts of money to Israel so they could fund a genocide they were proudly broadcasting. Obama’s cabinet was filled with Wall Street execs right as it became clear that they’d knowingly crashed the global economy to make a quick buck and then gave them money to buy the assets of the people they fucked in the first place.
If you still believe in democrats, you’re not engaging in politics, you’re engaging in a cult.
Ok yeah. But not voting still enables the fascist. You can still vote for harm reduction, then protest/riot for progress.
Harm Reduction = Let Others Suffer instead of Me
I’m so selfish for not wanting to end up in a concentration camp. And the rest of the world is now so much better off with Donald Trump at the helm of the biggest military in the world.
Things are definitely better in places like Ukraine and Gaza. The Trump regime has absolutely had their best interests at heart. /S
We can agree that our entire political system has been corrupted by money? Right?
What makes people naively believe that our electoral processes have not been corrupted in the same exact way? Some delusional belief in American democratic exceptionalism?
In germany their highest court decided that electronic voting is unconstitutional because it is impossible to differentiate between fraudulent results and legitimate ones for laypeople/anyone who isnt a cybersecurity or IT expert.
Both parties are fascist albeit to differing degrees but both parties blatantly exhibit 13 of 14 traits of fascist regimes. The one trait they can claim plausible deniability in regards to is fraudulent elections. But if our corporate owned leaders have allowed our society to disintegrate to fascism 93% of the way then its pretty illogical to believe they would stop short and work diligently to prevent the last 7% from reaching that point.
There is the Princeton study done within the lasy 2 decades that concluded the amount of influence one has on our political system and any legislated policy is directly proportional to the amount of wealth you have with regular working class people having a statistically near zero irrelevant amount of influence on any policy regardless of how popular or unpopular it may be. Since lewis f powell’s pro corporate supreme court decisions paved the way for citizens united and the erosion of our constitutional republic and its comprising democratic elements it has now become apparent for anyone paying attention that every aspect of our political system is for sale to the highest bidder and most likely the reality is that our presidential elections are rigged and have been since at least reagan. But even before then there was likely corruption involved since it is pretty much a historical fact that jfk won the presidency in no small part due to a backroom deal his father made with the mafia because of the connections he had made during his time establishing a bootleging empire during prohibition.
Ok. But the Dems and Republicans aren’t the same. Like I agree with you that our system is beyond fucked, but that doesn’t mean both of our shitty parties are equally shitty. If you want to pretend like the Obama or Biden administrations were the same as the Trump administration you just as much in a fantasy as someone who thinks the Democrats are actually competent and well-meaning.
Like shit, I’m not pretending like voting is the be-all end-all of civic action: FAR from it. That’s why voting, at best, is harm reduction. But fuck, it’s so goddamn easy, and why would we want to ceade ground for no reason?
The dems only pretend to be different. They don’t have to be the same if the financial entities who fund control and dictate their decisions and actions are the dame financial interests behind the republican party.
Look ip the ratchet effect. Basically when the Republican party is in power things move as dar to the left as possible then when dems are in they pretend to tru to push progress to the left but the mechanism just ratchets back without moving anything meaningful to the left then the right comes back in and boom more progress to the left.
Whag did democracy just do this last election cycle? They ignored constituents and refused to move any policy to the left and instead courted “moderate republicans” and touted endorsments from liz cheney joe walsh and other past republican leaders as wins? The Democratic party is not a left party they are a neo liberal right wing party. They are the other wing on the same bird and that bird is shitting all over you.
They only differ in rhetoric. Deportations exploded under Obama and were higher than Trump’s first term. Drone strikes skyrocketed. Biden approved record breaking amounts of money to Israel so they could fund a genocide they were proudly broadcasting. Obama’s cabinet was filled with Wall Street execs right as it became clear that they’d knowingly crashed the global economy to make a quick buck and then gave them money to buy the assets of the people they fucked in the first place.
If you still believe in democrats, you’re not engaging in politics, you’re engaging in a cult.