Given the recent news about Plex soon charging for remote access, I wanted to finish up my switch to Jellyfin.
What tools/methods have you all used to migrate watch history to Jellyfin?
I have a few family members in there, and would like to get everything switched over without resetting their watch history.
Just buy the lifetime Plex Pass before the price hike and you’re golden.
I thought about it, but remote access is just something I use so rarely that it doesn’t seem worth the cost to me.
Also I really distrust anything ‘lifetime’, historically those don’t work out very well on most services.
BuT I wAnT mY fRrrreEeeeEEeeee
These whiny people should stay with Plex if only to save FOSS devs the headache of dealing with them. They aren’t going to support them either.
(Thanks for helping clarify)
That would probably work, until Plex decides to introduce another subscription tier on top of the lifetime license, and/or demand more money from its paying users. I could totally see them doing that