I don’t understand how Israel gets to be so special. I also don’t get how any other nation would accept anything less, especially once the deal with Israel proved it (politically) can be done. Technical feasibility shouldn’t even be in question.
Well, I guess it’s nice that militaries get to “own nothing and be happy” too.
Because the assumption is that if Canada ever goes against US wishes, it means Canada is an enemy, and the kill switch goes off, but if Israel ever goes against US wishes, it means some lefty pinko commie got into office, and we must protect Israel’s role in the rapidly approaching rapture!
Ugh. This is the explanation I buy. It’s the only one more powerful than the constant drive for economic dominance demanding absolute control of everything.
There is a certain group of people in the US that continue to give special treatment to Israel because they believe that helping Israel “restore” itself will more quickly bring the rapture and Armageddon. Interestingly enough this belief tends to include the idea that Jews and Muslims won’t survive the ensuing necessary war.
Israel has a very strong lobby here because the US is their only source of strength. Spain or France don’t have that kind of lobby because they aren’t entirely dependent on the US for survival.
I don’t understand how Israel gets to be so special. I also don’t get how any other nation would accept anything less, especially once the deal with Israel proved it (politically) can be done. Technical feasibility shouldn’t even be in question.
Well, I guess it’s nice that militaries get to “own nothing and be happy” too.
Because the assumption is that if Canada ever goes against US wishes, it means Canada is an enemy, and the kill switch goes off, but if Israel ever goes against US wishes, it means some lefty pinko commie got into office, and we must protect Israel’s role in the rapidly approaching rapture!
Ugh. This is the explanation I buy. It’s the only one more powerful than the constant drive for economic dominance demanding absolute control of everything.
There is a certain group of people in the US that continue to give special treatment to Israel because they believe that helping Israel “restore” itself will more quickly bring the rapture and Armageddon. Interestingly enough this belief tends to include the idea that Jews and Muslims won’t survive the ensuing necessary war.
Israel has a very strong lobby here because the US is their only source of strength. Spain or France don’t have that kind of lobby because they aren’t entirely dependent on the US for survival.
Plus it has the backing of the Evangelicals, for their own apocalyptic reasons