i don’t know the exact intricacies either, it’s just that in the past the lights on the bridge have been dim enough under normal circumstances that to my eye it almost looks like they’re at red alert. the bridge in TOS was very bright, partially because they were going for a fun utopian look and partly because it showed up better on a CRT screen i guess. the newer shows tend to go for moodier, more dramatic, and honestly probably more realistic look. the difference is shown really well when an old ship shows up in a new show- when the E shows up in Picard or the regular Enterprise in Discovery, they both look blindingly light compared to the other ships. when it came time to film SNW though, I guess they wanted it to be more consistent with the other shows and went for a more subdued look
compared to Picard and Disco, the problem isn’t as bad in SNW to begin with. i actually went to take a few screenshots to illustrate my point and was surprised that it wasn’t as bad as i remember. the picture in the article just seems brighter to my eye and that change alone makes the bridge look much more like it did in the 60s to me, and i am apparently the kind of person who gets excited by that
I mean, this is likely an unedited picture taken with a different camera, I don’t think it’s reflective of the real picture we’ll get in the final show
holy shit! look at that photo! if they’re using that lighting while filming then my one single gripe with SNW will be eliminated
I am very unfamiliar with the intricacies of set lighting. What’s different here from what they’ve used on the show so far?
i don’t know the exact intricacies either, it’s just that in the past the lights on the bridge have been dim enough under normal circumstances that to my eye it almost looks like they’re at red alert. the bridge in TOS was very bright, partially because they were going for a fun utopian look and partly because it showed up better on a CRT screen i guess. the newer shows tend to go for moodier, more dramatic, and honestly probably more realistic look. the difference is shown really well when an old ship shows up in a new show- when the E shows up in Picard or the regular Enterprise in Discovery, they both look blindingly light compared to the other ships. when it came time to film SNW though, I guess they wanted it to be more consistent with the other shows and went for a more subdued look
compared to Picard and Disco, the problem isn’t as bad in SNW to begin with. i actually went to take a few screenshots to illustrate my point and was surprised that it wasn’t as bad as i remember. the picture in the article just seems brighter to my eye and that change alone makes the bridge look much more like it did in the 60s to me, and i am apparently the kind of person who gets excited by that
I mean, this is likely an unedited picture taken with a different camera, I don’t think it’s reflective of the real picture we’ll get in the final show
Different screen maybe?
I see what you’re saying (although it doesn’t bother me personally).