Got into Old World. I have zero planning and just roll with it, which led me to start a war against Egypt with my 4 elephants and several axemen thinking i was hot stuff. Egypt had 3 onangers nested on hills, a dozen pikemen and a random ballista.
I was annihilated from the militaristic point of view.
Still won the match through ambitions though since they happened to be a match with what I still had going for me.
I was annoyed though. They were doing 8-10hp damage per hit at times and i was only doing 3. My small army went from hot to not in only a few turns and i couldn’t figure out why. Turns out i just suck at it.
Anyway, if you’ve played Civilization, you’ll easily see the influence. The card and character randomness can be fun or frustrating and you might find yourself wondering at times why your resources aren’t growing as high as you were expecting them to. Better watch for that discontent!
I only have the base game so no comment on the DLCs.
Got burned out on Owlcat games. Really enjoyed Pathfinder: Kingmaker but thought it was almost there in some areas, and kept hearing people say Wrath of the Righteous was better. Got through maybe half of the latter and can’t say I agree as of yet. But I’m having to put it down for now, thinking I jumped back in to a CRPG too soon. The encounter density is just too much for me, and I might have to put the crusade management on auto next time I pick it up.
Grabbed Final Fantasy XVI instead. It’s a nice change of pace, really enjoying it so far.
Not a lot, been sick off and on all week, but got in a little try of the Aviassembly demo, that was fun. Also some BG3 and Factorio with friends, and I’ve been loving the Icaria demo.
Gonna be starting Metro soon! It was reccomended to me by another fedi user.
You’re in for a ride! Make sure you wait for dialogues of NPCs to fully end when passing by.
will do, lusty argonian :)
I picked up Cyberpunk on the Steam sale so I’m just starting that. Aside from that, I’m kind of casually working my way through Coromon, which so far isn’t great but it scratching the Pokemon-like itch well enough. That said, if other folks were looking for a Pokemon-like to try, I’d recommend Cassette Beast a hundred times over before recommending Coromon.
Oalworld just had an update
Going super old school - Chrono Trigger. Finally picked it up on Steam since $3.75 is cheap enough I’d pay for the convenience to not use an emulator. I figure buying it 3 times is enough for one life.
L.A. Noire and Persona 5! Both games I started over a year ago, then stopped playing and finally finishing them now haha
Among games with a fixed narrative, Persona 5 Royal is still the longest game I’ve ever played.
Very likely for me too. My save file is at just over 100 hours right now.
How’s LA noire gameplay holding up?
Most of it is fine. It has the typical console port molasses controls (especially when looking at objects).
The big thing that bothered me is the pretty obtuse interrogation system where I’ve resorted to looking at a guide towards the end (you always get the same three choices to respond with, “Truth”, “Doubt”, and “Lie”, with no indication of what your character will exactly say). This seems to be a common complaint, and apparently it got a bit improved in the remastered version which I don’t have.
Still very enjoyable despite this, imo.
Thanks for sharing!
Factorio. I can’t recommend it enough. The space age expansion reinvigorated my
addictionenjoyment in the game. You can never have enough green circuitsI’ve seen that game mentioned many times. I’d love to try it but I’m worried I’d get addicted like crazy to it
Turtle WoW, a private WoW Vanilla plus server. I love this game. I’ve encountered kind people, made friends, and explored the world, lore, and stories.
Even when I have nothing else to do, just cozy fishing is great.
I had good times on WoW for a long time, and a good time on a private UO server for awhile… Maybe I should look into a private WoW server. Blizzard (as it is today) is a shithole I don’t want to give more money, but my love for WoW as a property is undeniable.
Wrath of the Rightous. I’ll be back in a couple of months, cya
Same. Took a couple of stabs at it previously and poured some hours into reading various wikis, but finally feel comfortable enough with the systems to design a party that can (hopefully) handle Core without much issues.
Knowledge is king in this game. How should I have known that all my teamwork feats are useless, when I pick Azata Mythic Path? That’s why I play on daring with respec enabled.
100percenting snowrunner
I’ve been deep into Persona 5 Royal for weeks now. I’m now on the home stretch to the final big boss battle, and it has been awesome. I’ve put something like 75 hours into it. I’m going to miss it when I’m done, but I do also have Persona 4 Golden sitting and waiting for its turn. I played Persona 3 ReLoad last year and that was my first Persona experience, and totally got me hooked.
Voices of the Void! It’s available on and I’ve been having a blast!
Never been a big fan of playing scary/horror games (I’m a big fan of horror films though), but this is also a signal simulator as well. Basically, the player character is tasked with looking after an array of satellite dishes, pinging and decoding signals from planets, asteroids, space stations, and other things, and then send them back to main base by drone.
Occasionally a satellite server will go down, so you’ll have to drive the ATV out to fix it. The map and the base has so many cool secrets and locations, the story mode events are great fun, the random chance events are so interesting and sometimes freaky! I’m barely scratching the surface here, I mean, I can also use a mop and bucket to clean the base, and decorate, incinerate trash, craft things.
It’s pre-alpha but I haven’t even seen any where near to everything the game has to offer yet. I’m having so much fun with it!
I’ve got another wall of text this week, it just do be like that sometimes.
- Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 4
- Championship Manager: Season 03/04
- Ace Combat Zero: Belkan War
- RimWorld
I was unable to get either NHL99 or 2001 to run so far. I’ll keep trying but it doesn’t look promising unfortunately. I also tried to run NBA Live 2001 but that ended up either black court or a straight up freeze during loading so… I feel like early 2000’s EA games don’t like me very much.
I’m still dabbing with Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 4. I’m making slow but steady progress, playing mostly when I’m in the mood rather than blizting through the whole thing in one go.
I still have a bit of a problem with trying to string tricks (especially grinds) a bit too eagerly but other than that I’m doing fine. It’s going slightly better than my THPS2 playthrough from 2 or so years ago, if I remember correctly.Championship Manager: Season 03/04 is also still on the menu. It’s not really a game intended for long sessions in my case so I mostly treat it as an emergency activity, played for a match or two when nothing else strikes my fancy.
I mentioned Restaurant Empire last week and that I was having a decently fun time - that’s still true. It’s not the best management game ever but it’s not bad. I have two issues with the game so far: default mouse sensitivity feels terribly (it feels like the cursor is magnetized to certain elements and moving on a tile system) and there’s only one female player character to choose from (not that it means anything but there’s 32 of them!).
My next choice for the week was Ace Combat Zero: Belkan War. I only played 4 before but I liked it quite a bit.
Unlike 4 however, I’m playing this one on a Steam Deck instead of a desktop PC. It plays great, as expected, but I do have so minor issues using the Deck for longer periods of time, especially during more challenging missions (mission structure thankfully helps with that).Lastly, I came back to RimWorld for a bit. Similarily to The Division, it’s a title I come back to every few months or so, play until I’m bored and go back to whatever else I was doing. It’s pretty great, even in its non-DLC form.
On a slightly different note, does anyone know a site (preferably a fediverse one) that could serve as a gallery dump? I have some screenshots from various games I’ve been thinking about uploading but I’m not really sure which service would be good for that.
Too bad NHL didn’t work out. I was hoping to read about it this week
I’ll be sure to write about it if either game decides to cooperate. I’m not giving up that easily!
I kinda feel like the game names are what should be exposed and the more detailed notes should be tucked into the spoiler, haha.
Anyway, try, a nonprofit, federated counter to Instagram!
Yeah, I thought about doing it the other way but forgot to actually change it. Next time! Probably. If I don’t forget.
I wondered about pixelfed but I’m not really familiar with Instagram or its derivatives and kind of assumed it was for a different kind of content (don’t ask me what, I have no idea what lead me to this view anyway). Guess I’ll look into it properly. Thanks!
You can make albums of whatever you want. Influencers show off themselves and/or their products or services. One of my friends posts landscape photos. Another shares photos of photos (the Droste effect). Others post their artwork. Do it!
Well, guess I have something to do over the weekend.
I was one of a bunch of people who got Instagram because my friends did and used it basically as “in real life social media”—use it to see what’s going on in the lives of people you know in real life, as a method of contacting some of them if you do not have their phone numbers, etc. Is there anyone using Pixelfed for that? I’d love to help support another Fediverse platform, but outside of just posting my personal stuff (and of course I would have to check privacy settings too) I’m not a photographer or influencer and feel I have no real reason to be using Pixelfed.
Although come to think of it, I wonder if Instagram was made for photographers first and then all the people trying to use it as just regular social media took it over. If it is private enough I might just put my personal stuff there anyways even with 0 followers, a Monthly Active User is a Monthly Active User, and eventually I’ll probably meet someone who uses Pixelfed in real life.
Is there anyone using Pixelfed for that?
I would like to, but I’ve been unsuccessful at influencing people to migrate. But it’s the only federated counterpart to Instagram, so I think it’s still worth trying to propagate among our circles.
eventually I’ll probably meet someone who uses Pixelfed in real life.
Hey, I’d be glad to show you around Milwaukee if you ever visit!
33 Immortals just dropped
That’s not very patientgamers-like
Sorry, umm, Rain World is 11 bucks right now?