The Lemmy Club is currently suffering from “The Nazi Bar” problem. All of their top communities are run by three right-wingers as illustrated below.

The Lemmy Club instance admin doesn’t seem to want to ban them, for the reasons mentioned below:

This vote is on whether or not we should defederate from this instance until they address their Nazi Bar problem.

Upvote = for defederation. Downvote = against defederation.

Edit: As others have mentioned, happy to treat this a only a temporary measure until the problem is resolved.

Edit 2: The Lemmy Club admin has said they will implement a rule against right wing communities, and has taken action on some problematic posts and users (see original comments below).

I’m willing to extend the benefit of the doubt to the admin here, as they have responded in good faith:

If you implement those changes then I’d be willing to withdraw the defederation proposal and consider the problem resolved.

  • /0
    15 minutes ago

    Acknowledged governance topic opened by Early Bird: a parrot, orangered colors Jolly Roger: an icon of pirate jolly roger skull wearing a hat, in orange-red, black and white colors A book with a loaf of bread in the cover  in orange-red, black and white colors First Mate: a pirate ship's steering wheel, orangered color

    This is a simple majority vote. The current tally is as follows:

    • For: First Mate: a pirate ship's steering wheel, orangered color (4), Deck Hand: An icon of anchor crossed with two staves in orange-red, black and white colors (3), Powder Monkey: An icon of powder barrel in orange-red, black and white colors (1), Vouched: a minimalist compass icon. Orangered color (7)
    • Against:
    • Local Community: +0.9
    • Outsider sentiment: Supportive
    • Total: +15.9
    • Percentage: 100.00%

    This vote will complete in 2 days

    Reminder that this is a pilot process and results of voting are not set in stone.

      4 days ago

      These images are insane on my mobile Connect app. it’s eight screen lengths of scrolling to get to the reply button just for this one comment.

      4 days ago

      I’m confused on how to vote. The vote tally shows for/against, and then “outsider sentiment support”, and I’m not sure what that is, and also who and how gets to vote.

      Also, I’d like to vote and that’s what I really care about.

      Defederate that shit quick.

      I’m not sure if it’s possible, but ban/block those accounts as well. Too bad we can’t do more about preventing those cancerous people from doing more damage.


      Edit: I take back my unofficial vote to defederate. We should wait and see.

      Also, lots of love out to our Admins here for (1) noticing this, (2) attempting to rectify and and (3) being reasonable (i.e. not using a sledgehammer) when it seems that appropriate steps have been taken at this time.

      However, having seen this right-wing cancer destroy other social media platforms, I want to stress that we should be as proactive and ban-happy as we feel appropriate, because this shit is not going away.