Not sure how many other parents there are here, but this has been ongoing for some months now with no end in sight. I actually wish there was more media coverage to raise awareness of the plight of our teachers.

Yes, it’s frustrating to have our kids home while we’re trying to work etc, and I worry about impact on their schooling (especially when ‘normality’ was starting to return post-COVID lockdowns) but I feel strongly that these teachers are absolutely getting the short end of the stick in the pay negotiations. Keep supporting them where you can, talk to your kids about the whys of what’s going on and cross everything for a positive resolution soon!

My 2c anyway :-)

    1 year ago

    So the other person already explained about there being two teachers unions. An anecdote from me, I congratulated my primary kids teachers for reaching an agreement and getting some extra money. They said it’s nice, but they actually were more interested in getting more teacher’s aides, as they felt that is what they need for better results for the kids, and to enjoy their jobs more.