I’ve never seen carts with that little extra bit, but that’s what I imagined would be a good idea to have on them. Just some hooks to keep the bags from flopping to the bottom. Wherever you are is ahead of the curve when it comes to cart technology. 😅 The most tech in the carts around here is the locks on the wheels that turn on when you get too far away from the building. 😮💨
I just put them in the pullout seat for toddlers.
Also, where I live in the US at least, the grocery carts have![hooks for grocery bags](https://i.imgur.com/AUsxTwi.jpg)
Think I’ve only ever seen this like twice. Really depends on what are you are in
I’ve never seen carts with that little extra bit, but that’s what I imagined would be a good idea to have on them. Just some hooks to keep the bags from flopping to the bottom. Wherever you are is ahead of the curve when it comes to cart technology. 😅 The most tech in the carts around here is the locks on the wheels that turn on when you get too far away from the building. 😮💨
I’m in Ohio and I’ve never seen a cart without that part
I’m so sorry