The emotional intelligence of a snail! This is what happens when you put a stunted man-boy in charge of anything. Somehow, he has enough regular intelligence to convince other people to join in and give money. Except for the fact, he knows will be a target so he has a huge private security team and uses his kid as a deterrent to gun violence. Before the election, never saw him with any children. After it, see that kid every place he goes. So which is it Elon, are you afraid of people targeting you for what you have done, what you supposedly uncovered in your slash and burn of the government, or is it because of recent events involving a healthcare CEO? Either way he realizes some of the danger he has put himself in.
The emotional intelligence of a snail! This is what happens when you put a stunted man-boy in charge of anything. Somehow, he has enough regular intelligence to convince other people to join in and give money. Except for the fact, he knows will be a target so he has a huge private security team and uses his kid as a deterrent to gun violence. Before the election, never saw him with any children. After it, see that kid every place he goes. So which is it Elon, are you afraid of people targeting you for what you have done, what you supposedly uncovered in your slash and burn of the government, or is it because of recent events involving a healthcare CEO? Either way he realizes some of the danger he has put himself in.
the kid is meant as a human shield against criticism, and percieve assasination attempts.