I had the thought that the only way to really fight against large corporations and billionaires is to compete against them. Start your own business. Amazon relies on third-party sellers more than anything in their business. So start a business and sell your items there. Don’t have anything to sell? People are a creative bunch, make something. Find a local producer of something and make a partnership to sell on an independent web site.
You know that Amazon has so much money that it can sell at a loss for years if necessary to ANNIHILATE all its competition, right?
No one can compete against Amazon, or Google, or Microsoft, or any of the big companies with profits that exceed the GDP of countries.
You can’t win by playing THEIR game, with THEIR pieces and THEIR rules.
We have to break stuff, THEIR stuff.
“The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.”
Did you know that Amazon charges fees to sell on their site? When people buy products on Amazon, the company makes nothing. The third-party seller has paid a fee to sell on Amazon, a fee for Amazon to store the product each month, and then a fee once it sells to cover the Prime shipping costs the buyer thinks is free. There is no loss. If the third-party sellers, who usually are small businesses duped into thinking this is the best way, would pull out, that is the real money loss for Amazon.
Yeah, but that’s because they have no competition now. If you start your own business that’s anywhere close to being a threat to them, they’ll start lowering their fees until you physically can’t compete.
Which fees will get lowered? Prime? The sellers still have to pay fees to cover it. Amazon won’t care unless the people who are actually paying for everything leave. Be an example and start competing. Doesn’t even need to be a business that sells stuff to compete. Start a blog with talking about sites to buy everything outside of Amazon and Walmart.