(CNN) — Chuck Schumer has postponed his book tour events amid anger from within the Democratic Party over the Senate minority leader’s handling of the government funding fight in Congress.
Someone needs to be talking to Schumer’s PR team about concepts like “optics”, “timing”, and “reading the room” that are apparently foreign concepts to them. You don’t all-but abandon the Democrat party by voting for the budget he’s going to use to gut American social safety nets, essentially becoming a cuck for Trump, and saying there’s nothing the Senate can do to stop him and then go out and launch a fucking book tour days later.
I hope his book tour stops are met with Democrat voters telling him what a fucking loser he is.
Schumer also had the gall to say that the Democrats have ‘a Real Direction Now’.
I mean, he’s not wrong if you count “away from Schumer” as a ‘real direction’.
It’s called “downwards”.
When asked about the future of the party, Schumer stated, “Right, I write about this in my book. We’re finally doing what’s right, righting this ship and heading in the right direction. Right away.“
How about talking to Chuck Schumer about the concept of not being an utter coward?
He would find this concept more confusing than theoretical physics.
What did you think was going to happen you spineless neoliberal!?
Who is going to buy your book anyway? These political books seem like a money laundering operation. I can’t imagine there are so many people lining up to buy these political hacks writings.
Neoliberalism is one of America’s worst enemies with only MAGAites being worse.
I would be more concerned about your books collecting dust on the shelves than security. No republican will buy it and Dems hate Chuck. I hope he has to burn those books to keep warm at night.
They’ll be snatched up and given out at political conventions where mindless people go to collect these books and never read them.
I like that Schumer is scared, I just wish Vance was.
He’s a coward, as we all suspected
More like he doesn’t want to get yelled at by people.
Government is full of traitors…
Was planning to show up with a couple of friends. We’ve rescheduled to go to a local comedy show instead.