• CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Also, isn’t it the Republicans that love to plaster on a big punchable smirk and tell everyone they don’t have a right to not be offended? I mean, in this, they are actually correct - people do have a free speech right to be absolute assholes in what they do and say, for the most part. Free speech does have its limits, yes, but if someone else gets offended, well…too bad. Free speech is there to protect speech others do not like and yes, that includes speech that will offend liberals.

    But wow, the very second the right might have the least bit of offense - they think the government should step in.

    See for example the actual political correctness they try to enforce around the rituals when a song plays at a sportsball event, or forcing kids to say “under god” while they force them to say the pledge at schools. Or about burning flags in protest, or a president they support being burned in effigy. Or trying to get their book club smuggled into schools. Or not genuflecting for “the troops”, but only when there is a profitable war of aggression on the table, and so on. Or people not going out of their way to say, pointedly, “MERRY XMAS” (vs. the easy shorthand of Happy Holidays to cover both xmas and New Years, FFS. GD these babies are such whiners. Saying Happy Holidays was never a problem until these assholes had to act like it was some personal insult to them, even if they were just jagoffs that were only nominal xtians anyway. ) to these special snowflakes.

    Apparently, they think they have the right to not be offended their entire fucking lives.