Andrew Cuomo and Bill Clinton both have a lengthy list of sexual misconduct allegations against them. But as long as they’re politically useful, top Democrats don’t seem to care.
Andrew Cuomo and Bill Clinton both have a lengthy list of sexual misconduct allegations against them. But as long as they’re politically useful, top Democrats don’t seem to care.
Or look at Al Franken who got pushed out over nothing. Your examples are cherry picked. Plus, wasn’t Cuomo forced out?
And the Clinton case is ambiguous. Quite a few of the allegations were low-effort Republican fabrications that got laughed out of court. Cuomo, on the other hand, total scumbag. No ambiguity there.
Yeah, it seems like there’s one party actually holding greater than 60% of their bad actors accountable and another one rewarding bad behavior… But, sure, let’s complain about how 60% is not enough instead of dealing with the reality we find ourselves in.
The bar for Democrats is perfection. There is no bar for Republicans.
Welcome to lemmy.
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New Yorkers are fucking stupid when it comes to elections. I think it is in their city guidelines that their mayoral elects had to have been busted with either meth, or a prostitute.
That won’t be an institutional Democratic problem. That will be a “people of New York” problem.
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I didn’t hear the media calling Adams getting in a bellweather. Everyone knows NYC is basically the most Democratic place in the country.
And Joe in South Carolina has already made up his mind about New York and Democrats and anywhere else with a sizable population of people who aren’t White or straight.
Yes, Cuomo was forced out, but he is attempting a comeback by running for Mayor of NYC against Eric Adams. Aren’t there any non-shitty Democrats in the city who want that job?
Non-shitty people see what happens when they go up against shitty people.
The party protects the shitty.
If someone wants to be a politician that’s a disqualifying factor to being a politician. So yes he’s a fucking shitbag. People who want to improve our lives would rather do anything than politics because that’s just theatre for self absorbed sociopaths
That you, Plato?
it’s also theater some of us have to start doing. not me though. i’m far too corruptible and my soul too tainted already. i’d turn into one of the shitbags, i’m sure
Al Franken was low hanging fruit. The most powerful never get prosecuted.