From what I have seen, rootless podman seems to take more effort (even if marginal) than rootful one. I want to make a more informed decision for the containers, so I would like to ask.

  1. What is a rootless podman good for? How much does it help in terms of security, and does it have other benefits?
  2. One of the benefits commonly mentioned is for when container is breached. Then, running container on sudo-capable user would give no security benefits. Does it mean I should run podman services on a non-privileged user?

Thank you!

    5 hours ago

    Look into podman quadlets. Its containers as systemd services, and its excellent. They run as root by default, but can be run at a user level pretty easily. Ive had no permissions issues as long as you define the user/group in the config and ensure they habe the correct rights to the required folders.

    It does take translation from docker compose files, but it’s entirely doable. Most of the environmental variables translate straight across.