Slammed 💥 🦹♂️
At least we have an easy tag to spot bad journalism
Of course its going to be unreliable after you slam it!
This is a piece of alleged technology that is based on basic physics that has not been established.
That does sound like a problem.
I love these slides about how quantum cryptography attacks are a made up scenario
Dude is a comedic genius
The introduction also reminds me of some other modern hyped technology…
Great share, thanks!
edit: Oof, the subprime mortgage emergency stop analogy too, to a T
But dreaming is so fuuun, dont wake me up yet…
Oh I love this!
Oh you’re just loving this aren’t you? 😂
How could you tell??
Prime factorisation is indeed nobody’s primary idea of what a quantum computer will be useful for in practice any time soon, but it cannot be denied that Shor’s algorithm is the first and only method of prime factorisation we have discovered which can finish in realistic time with realistic resources.
And that means that RSA is no longer as safe as it once was, justifying the process of finding alternatives.
I’m sorry - did you read the slides?
Indeed I did. They seem to be pointing to the fact that current machines are not factoring primes in any serious way.
Does this contradict my point?
AI will figure it out my dude!!
Check it, yo. In the 90s all the articles and rumors around quantum computing were exactly the same. Exactly.
Whenever I hear about some new quantum computing breakthrough, I spend about five seconds wondering if it’s real and then I feel very nostalgic because no, it never is.
Quantum computer do exist. And have existed for some time now. Breakthroughs have been achieved several times.
Sure, sure and it’s interesting stuff. But not anywhere near useful in the sense people mean when they talk about computers.
They are as useful as the Large Hadron Collider, or the New Horizons probe.
They are instruments of practical scientific research. They may have some return in useful technology or not, but science is always worth it.
Except quantum computers do indeed exist right now, and did not in the 90’s. Sadly, the hype and corporate interests still make it difficult to tell truth from nonsense.
Yeah, sure they exist. Much like the ENIAC. And it’s cool stuff to work with. It’s just not anywhere close to practical. And it never has been.
What do you expect from the company which promised that windows 10 would be the last one? xD
Are we SLAMming quantum computers now?
“Microsoft is slated to back up its claims and success in quantum computing next week at an American Physical Society (APS) meeting in California.”
Well if they try to put on a show like Elon did with his dancing robots and what not we can be %100 sure it is a pyramid scheme.
Maybe they were smoking too much Majorana.
Slammed or lightly pounded?
Just like I S L A M M E D my penis in the car door.
What’s next Theranus doesn’t actually make thousand dollar tests for a dollar?
Of course. Not a single quantum computer has done anything but test programs and quantum-specific benchmarks. Until a quantum computer finally does something a normal computer regularly does, but faster, we should simply ignore this area.
EDIT: could the downvoters state a single occasion where a quantum computer outmatched a normal computer on a real problem. And with that I mean something more elaborate than winning naughts and crosses, or something like that.
until it’s better we should simply ignore this
That seems like a strange comment to make. How will it get better if we don’t spend the time and effort to make it better?
With quantum computing if you ignore it you are simultaneously not ignoring it?
I don’t think so, but yes.
Many people in lemmy is highly primitivist and tech conservatives. Meaning that they don’t actually want any technological progress.
The idea is not to have three worthless announcements per week. They can get better all they want, and come back once they have tangible results.
That’s a different kind of quantum computer though (which i call the “real” kind). But that needs a while, especially with current risk-avoiding behavior of big corp. We are not even optical yet, not to talk about multitalents like graphene/silicene.
It’s laser time boys!
a breakthrough type of material which can observe and control Majorana particles to produce more reliable and scalable qubits
To… produce a more random random numbers generator?
If true, this would in fact be a huge step toward quantum computing at scale, which would revolutionize computing. However, they’ve claimed this before, and have offered no evidence yet of their supposed discovery.