You stupid, rotten, useless cunts!
Why isn’t MSNBC on the vigil? Why isn’t CNN on the offensive? Why did the WP sell out its editorial column?
You don’t even know how bad it is, because the commercial entities that the US has entrusted with their information are now looking out for themselves.
THERE’S A REASON THAT THE PRESS IS THE FOURTH COLUMN. and we get to see why in the worst way.
They need to be made to understand that they should be more afraid of us than the MAGAs.
as funny as it may sound, your reply alone helps us all.
Defeating Republicans with complete submission. Maybe they’ll wear matching colors to show they’re voting it in protest.
I heard they have black paddles and everything.
They’ll hold little signs then put them away when their masters tell them to
Not the signs! Anything but the signs! /s
Oh you’ve seen nothing yet. They are also going to ANGRILY FURROW THEIR BROWS. Really I don’t know how the republicans can withstand such stiff opposition.
Holy fuck you feckless fascist-enabling imbecilic dipshit. Jesus tapdancing christ, you complete fucking wilted parsnip. Reach into your purse and find your balls, you unequivocal fucking cunt. What the actual fuck is wrong with you, you entirely indelible santorum stain.
I got a noise complaint from the screaming fit I had upon reading he regrettably has an inverted hyper-vagina instead of testicles. (It’s a terminal illness)
I immediately tried calling every single one of his offices just in case someone was there late.
I will be calling when they open tomorrow.
Appeasement. Cowards, the lot of them.
Jesus fucking Christ we need a working families party so bad in this country. Why isn’t Bernie, AOC or any other leader starting to coordinate such a thing?
We have a Working Families Party. Democrats sued to keep them off the ballot in swing states.
Huh? The WFP generally works within the Democratic party or in circumstances where they’re really competing with Republicans.
Doesn’t matter, they don’t want the general public to even consider the fact of voting for anything but the big two. They’d do it for the Libertarians too if Republicans didn’t support them.
And the powers that be are terrified of ranked preference voting systems to the extent they jam through laws forbidding the use of ranked choice voting.
They ran s different presidential candidate in my state last time.
The WFP doesn’t run presidential candidates.
That confused me and I had to look it up. You’re right, it was a different party.
Because it’s just not feasible without election reform. Over 99% of legislative offices (both state and federal) are held by either a Republican or a Democratic nominee. We’re on presidential election away from it being 60 years since a 3rd party presidential candidate received a single electoral vote. And Perot won just shy of 19% of the national popular vote in 1992. We need a progressive groups funding progressive primary challengers, and progressive voters turning up for them.
Changing from first past the post to ranked choice voting would do a lot to break the duopoly. That both the Dems and the GOP are against it should tell you all you need to know
It seems like infiltrating progressives into the Democratic Party is the only way within the existing electoral systems to start turning things around. If there continues to be an electoral system - this should have happened years ago.
Changing from first past the post to ranked choice voting would do a lot to break the duopoly.
💯 But I don’t see that as something we can get pushed through without first taking over through the primaries. Of course, I keep forgetting that unlike Texas, other states have direct ballot initiatives that voters can do without their legislature. So if your state has that option then absolutely go that route!
Changing to ranked preference can be done by ballot initiatives
We need a progressive groups funding progressive primary challengers, and progressive voters turning up for them.
We need fair primaries.
It will be hard, but it’s not impossible. If you start organizing early you could get enough pissed off people. It would probably end up collapsing one of the parties in only one or two election cycles (likely Democrats) anyway.
Honestly, I think a civil war is going to be needed if America is ever going to be fixed. It would be nice if I am proven wrong, but things really don’t feel good right now. :P
Perhaps something like the velvet revolution. Divide the US into the Affiliated anti-fascist free states (West Coast, Illinois,Minnesota, the east coast south to VA or maybe NC. And the rest make up Jesus land. But make sure Jesusland doesn’t have any nukes because those god-botherers will use them to force their superstitions on others
Bernie is he’s doing a coast to coast tour right now. He’s getting huge crowds
I really hope he’s in the recruitment phase for something.
AOC has been saying things according to MSM.
And people have the gall to shame people who stayed home and refused to vote for Kamala.
(Note, I voted for Kamala. You have to point that out or liberals shit themselves.)
We need to let the Democratic Party die completely. They are captured opposition.
Liberals pretend that it was democracy vs. fascism on the ballot in 2024. It wasn’t. Democracy wasn’t on the ballot. What was on the ballot were two choices:
- Fascism in 2024.
- Fascism in 2028.
Those were the only two choices. Just like Democrats now, Kamala and friends would not have made any meaningful change. They would have just coasted, sitting on their asses, doing nothing until Trump or someone worse rode into office in 2028.
Democrats didn’t even bother preparing for Project 2025, even though they had the whole thing detailed in advance.
If Democrats aren’t going to use what power they have while out of office, they don’t deserve to be put into office.
We need a new party, a popular front that will start by crushing the Democrats and then move on to crush MAGA. We cannot kill MAGA until we first kill the corporate Democrats. They’re a captured opposition that sucks all the oxygen out of the room and prevents any real good from happening. In many ways, they are worse than Republicans. At least Republicans are honest about their evil.
But why make a new party when you can vote out establishment corporate Democrats in primaries, remaking the Democratic party? Seems pointless to start from square 1 when the Dems are right there ripe for a take over.
Are they required by law to hold primaries?
No but it’s incredibly incredibly rare for them to not hold primaries. It only happens when there is, either an obviously massive lead, an incumbent president, or when someone is running unopposed. Both parties do that. Primaries happen 99% of the time. People say primaries didnt happen in 2024 but they absolutely did in almost all 50 states president wise and in all 50 states lower than president wise.
So while there is no law that says “you have to hold a primary” they will still be holding primaries. There’s only been one time when in modern history when the incumbent isnt running and there weren’t primaries held to find his replacement and that was last year with Harris.
Primaries have the problem where so few people come out to vote in them, at least on the Democrat side, that even if the people broadly seem to support a candidate in the area, they’ll often not even bother voting in the primary. This happened in 2016 when Bernie lost the primary by 3 and a half million votes and only would have won if all but 9 super delegates went to him which never would have happened because he didn’t win a majority of the votes.
Primaries will happen, we can vote them out. AOC did it in 2018 and we can do it nationwide next year.
when you can vote out establishment corporate Democrats in primaries
the party fights against progressives in the primaries harder than it does against republicans in the general.
And? Progressives still win primaries all the time. If we had more people vote in them, and had more progressive candidates running, then more progressives would win regardless of what the Party wants. Republicans didn’t want Trump in 2016, they desperately tried to not have him, but the voters kept voting for him so he won the primary and became the party.
But they can still be beaten
Provided they have fair primaries. Which we can no longer trust them to do.
Honestly i think it would be easier and faster to take over the republican party sometimes
We need a new party, a popular front that will start by crushing the Democrats and then move on to crush MAGA.
So make it then.
Other more progressive better parties already exist. They don’t get votes. What is your party going to do differently to get votes?
Thanks for voting for Kamala.
If we get to vote for President in 2028, do you think your new party will have killed the Democrats yet? If not, will you vote for the Democratic candidate again? If not, do you think there will be another chance in 2032?
I’ve voted Democrat my whole life out of the lesser evil thing. I think I’m going to vote third party at this point because things are getting eviler and they are part of the problem.
My question is if I vote Democrat again, will they simply maintain the status quo and do nothing until the next fascist runs on blowing up the system that they are defending that isn’t working for anyone and wins again?
Because so far that’s all that has happened. Oh yeah there was also that guy that won on “hope” and “change” and gave a handout to insurance companies instead of a public option.
After citizens united and before they are all owned by the same elites that crush everyone else. One party just does it under a cross and the other does it under a rainbow flag.
Vote for primary opponents of the Dem Quislings
I don’t know. I do know at this point that you might as well just write “Jesus” on the ballot instead of voting for Dems. In theory, voting for Jesus at least comes with a tiny minuscule chance of divine intervention, while voting for Dems just guarantees craven horseshit.
It would take at least three election cycles before a 3rd party to rise enough to genuinely challenge one of the parties, and in the meantime the Republicans would be fucking up the country, probably irreparably.
And that’s only if they allow elections at all, or at least fair, unrigged ones.
Check out the Working Families Party.
The only way murica comes back is with a revolution. No politicians give a fuck about anyone but themselves and their family. Glad im not murican
Its getting harder and harder to see how we get out of this without violence. The only question is what will touch it off.
Honestly? I see Republicans hit with SS and Medicare cuts going postal before our Democrat representatives bother to even try to be effective
I just hope they don’t blame AOC or something. Their anger should be directed at the traitors and cowards.
At this point how many times do people need to get that Dems won’t fight for you even at their lowest popularity.
Yippe! Even more spineless than we thought!
Call your senators, they can still block this despite Schumers push. This is not a done deal. The vote is tomorrow. If all republican vote for it, they need 7 dems. 8 with Rand Paul who has said he’ll vote no. (Republicans are not using reconciliation so it needs the the filibuster)
Many senate dems are publicly coming out against voting for cloture (meaning they won’t vote to let it get through the filibuster). As of what I last read, around 10 dems are thought to potentially vote to let it pass filibuster. Most of those are still not sure. We only need a handful more of those to become noes and it will get blocked. Some yeses have flipped to noes because of public pressure. We cannot let up now
Link to find direct numbers your senators
Or call the capitol switch board (202) 224-3121
Fetterman hears me.
Fetterman don’t care.
Fetterman is an asshole for sure, but he’s also inconsistent. He does sometimes vote the right way, and sometimes doesn’t. He is less pressurable than other dems, but it doesn’t mean he can’t be pressured at all. It is still worth calling him. If nothing else his staffers hearing those calls might talk to other dems about how widespread they are and help other dems flip
I already called the asshole and yelled at the intern.
It will do fuck all like it always does.
I’m never voting D again. Bunch of fucking assholes and useless nerds
Good News!
If this passes, there won’t be another election!
Better to tell the cowards you will vote for and contribute to anyone opposing them in the primaries.
I donated to that fraud Fetterman. I am so ashamed and angry I let him fool me. He can fuck off forever now.
So he folded like a wet piece of paper. Can’t say im surprised
what a failure.
Guess I’m not voting blue no matter who anymore because they’re a bunch of SPINELESS FECKLESS DICKLESS MORONS.
Not feckless. They know exactly what they do, and they do it with gusto.
Can we get these old spineless fucks out already?
First you have to beat them in what democrats hilariously call primaries. If they have primaries at all.
Not even a day after this spinless asshole said they’d stand strong.
I guess all the endless calling our representatives just means fuck-all doesn’t it?
Yeah, pretty much.
But here’s my final correspondence to my Democratic Senators
I want to share how absolutely disappointed I am with the Democratic party and how they are handling being the opposition party thus far especially with this latest round of budget bills that screw over the working families by cutting Medicaid/care. Not even one freaking day after after stating that Democrats would stand strong and not vote for this abomination of a bill, your leader goes and announces they’re going to vote for it.
This party has no spine, no convictions and won’t stand up to fascism and continues to roll over and vote for anything the Nazi-salute party shoves your way. I am absolutely sickened at this lack of leadership and standing up against these fascist and honestly, I don’t see a point in voting for Democrats moving forward when this is the lesser of two evils but then again, I’m sure leadership here will vote to remove our right to vote soon in the grandest gestures of capitulation so I guess there’s that.
I wouldn’t put that much effort into something that was going to be ignored and thrown away
Protest if you can. If not, ask the groups what support you can offer with a list of skills such as logistics, spreadsheet, security, secure com, policing tactics, etc