Oh yes, the Swiss have a f-ing Trash Police!! My sister lives there, and I am sorry for her. I hope I never “have to” live there. I am generally happy in Germany, just the social interactions are harder to make. Luckily I found my tribe with Spanish people. But as I said, real community is hard to make here. But I think it is a specific south German issue, they are closed off even for Germans from other parts of the world. Anyway, they are missing out some nice food and good jokes.
Oh yes, the Swiss have a f-ing Trash Police!! My sister lives there, and I am sorry for her. I hope I never “have to” live there. I am generally happy in Germany, just the social interactions are harder to make. Luckily I found my tribe with Spanish people. But as I said, real community is hard to make here. But I think it is a specific south German issue, they are closed off even for Germans from other parts of the world. Anyway, they are missing out some nice food and good jokes.