Your abusers are your government itself, and all its allies and assets around the world, and the network of oligarchs and empire managers who call the shots in this globe-spanning power structure from behind the scenes.
Your abusers are your government itself, and all its allies and assets around the world, and the network of oligarchs and empire managers who call the shots in this globe-spanning power structure from behind the scenes.
I’m at the point where I’m not really mad about stupid people that let this happen. Im disappointed for sure, but not mad. Because it’s not productive and we can’t change the past. What matters is what we do next. We don’t have time to “own the libs” or let the “leopards eat their face” because, even as we speak, the people in charge are stripping away every tool we have against them while we yell at each other.
See I’m torn because I agree with everything you said but I’m also completely over all the bullshit coming from the people who voted for this.
They knew exactly what they were voting for. They knew exactly what was going to happen and cheered for it.
At one point is it not directly their fault?
And I totally understand. But if we keep making enemies with our neighbors things will only get worse. I’m not saying you have to like them. But the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And not all Republicans are pieces of shit and there are some that feel remorseful and betrayed. I live in a red county so i am surrounded by republicans and most everyone here are decent people that were just bamboozled and betrayed. And if we give up ourselves as a target of their anger instead of the people actually fucking us over than we will just stay divided.