Top ones I know of these days are siege, but some people have made a case that dead by daylight is pretty bad as well. Like if any of you remember the Xbox 360 Halo days. I think those would pass for toxic today. What do you guys think? Is the most toxic community out there in gaming?
Warthunder is uber racist, right wing, anti-intellectual but I love jets😭
Same in Gaijins other game Enlisted. You see a lot of Nazi references in peoples nicknames like 88, SS and variations of famous leaders names and it’s not uncommon at all to see n-bombs etc in chat.
I guess military games attract a certain crowd? How is that game btw?
Lots of n words in warthunder too, haven’t seen too many nazi references gladly.
It’s a buggy pay2win shitshow but I must say the actual gameplay is pretty fun. Although I play it regularly myself I can’t recommend it in good conscience.