Geez, y’all go overboard with some of this stuff and it’s ridiculous. Newsom is not anti-trans, he’s not anti-LGBTQ+, and he’s not against any rights of any other marginalized communities as far his other statements and actions assert. He said he thought the sports issue was “deeply unfair”.
Guess what? Lots of people do. I hate to use a meme phrase, but we DO live in a society that has to somehow represent all people where possible. We have to try and make as many people happy with what we have to work with.
You can think that’s an unfair situation for BOTH SIDES and not be against either one. Cis women thinking it’s unfair to compete against newly transitioned women are bad now? Women are suddenly bad or wrong for speaking out on something they take issue with? What about them?
Is Newsom on the wrong side of society for being an advocate in all other ways to the LGBTQ+ community but thinking this one thing isn’t fair to either side? No. That’s a stupid assertion.
It’s a complicated issue that nobody seems to have a great idea on how to solve to make everyone happy as of yet, and we have bigger societal issues for Trans people that are more pressing than fucking sports. Like protecting their existence and making sure they aren’t further marginalized.
Lol are you kidding??? Now he’s Benedict Arnold. My fucking God. It’s like it’s impossible to help yourself to be reasonable and understand not everyone will agree with your exact definition or view of everything, and STILL not be against that. Totally okay for you do that though…
But it wasn’t just sports, he also agreed that minors shouldn’t be allowed to transition. Forcing a minor to go through one type of puberty when they wish to go through a different kind IMO is torture. Regret rates for transitioning are extremely low, and even if you do regret it you’re no worse off than someone who regrets not transitioning.
This isn’t just about trans people in sports. He is giving his platform to bigots who are anti-trans people existing in hopes of getting their support in 2028. It’s gross.
“It’s a complicated issue that nobody seems to have a great idea on how to solve to make everyone happy as of yet, and we have bigger societal issues for Trans people that are more pressing than fucking sports. Like protecting their existence and making sure they aren’t further marginalized.”
Giving platforms to bigots make this much harder. Why give them greater access?
OK lol Bro shut the fuck up, you’ve already made so many wrong assumptions in this giant ass fucking wall of text, do you really just hearing yourself speak, do you mouth the words as you type?
In some cases, sure I’ll grant it can be unfair for newly transitioned women, i.e. on hormones for less than a year. After that, any potential advantage is for a large part nullified (which is overly simplistic as a timeline but whatever). Also, let’s be real honest on just how many people this affects. The amount is so staggeringly small that even if we put aside that there is only a temporary advantage, there’s really not much of a problem, just a handful of individuals.
But, and this is vitally important to understand, sports are not a core, vital governmental interest and thus do not need to be legislated. To be very plain, games are not important to the functioning of society. Individual leagues can come up with their own policies if they feel it so necessary to exclude the small number of trans women who want to participate.
The entire “debate” just shows we are not a serious society. God forbid trans women want to exist and pursue their interests.
As for Gavin Newsome, this really shows he’s trying a bit too hard to start a presidential run with a theory of “let’s be Republican Lite.” That worked so well the last time.
Did we listen to the same interview where he asked Charlie Kirk what policies they should borrow from MAGA and eventually landed on banning trans women from sports?
Yeah, and he shot Kirk down and ignored all the other idiotic shit, and the only common ground he found was…this. He didn’t even say he was against it ffs, just that it was unfair. Immediately everyone started up the “HE’S ANTI-TRANS” flagpole and refused to come back down. It’s insane.
Lol, many of us saw this coming when you first posted here. We already know your opinion on the matter and asking us to think more on it just makes you look… less flattering.
It’s not unfair for trans women to play in sports though! His answer is what I expect from someone who hasn’t done their homework on the topic, which would be strange for a potential presidential candidate. I read this not as ignorance, but as a political calculation.
Then why you keep passin’ the hot mic to people talkin’ shit about trans athletes? Why amplify that voice on your government podcast? Thats literally Nazi shit. The Nazis made all this “traditional family” bullshit we are drowning in. So no, he shouldn’t be saying it and isolating the already vulnerable. Theres like 10 trans althetes in the fucken nation, leave them alone and fix the fucken markets.
Youre really leaning into my point. You’re going out of your way to equate random shit that has nothing to do with his actions or anything other things he’s done, but only that…he said the sports issue was deeply troubling. Nevermind the piece of shit he was talking to, which is way more troubling. Get mad that he was talking to Charlie Kirk of all people.
That’s the point… He brought on Charlie Kirk, and rather than, arguing with him… or trying to show his audience why what Kirk has to say shouldn’t have a place in the discourse. He basically was looking for something he can agree with and highlighting the good.
That’s not how you change minds or find common ground with people who are ideological opposite of you. It doesn’t work. We’re living through proof of that right now.
News flash… we’ve been trying the “oh yeah we don’t fully disagree, we grant you a bit of what you like, then you grant a bit of what we want”, and they respond, “oh thank you for what I want… GIVE ME MORE, oh and your stuff FUCK YOU”.
No different than when we caved out obamacare to give into the insane nonstop demands the republicans had for it, but it was worth it to earn… Zero republican votes, 60+ attempts to repeal it.
But less on the policy side lets go on just narrative public speaking types. Next step is the make your case, give a strong arguement for your side. But he’s not really doing that, he’s bringing the far right on, letting them speak, half the time agreeing, half the time being silent.
But ok, so he’s going to mix his guests 50/50, bring on one he agrees with, one he disagrees with, 2/2 right wing… nah doesn’t look that way either.
So question is, what’s he doing that’s different than Joe Rogan at this point?
Did you even read the post linked? This is the subheading: “California’s Democratic governor was once considered an LGBTQ+ ally. So, what’s with the heel turn?”
You don’t think that’s a bit of an irrational headline? Newsom isnt turning heel, or abandoning a community, or anti-gay/trans/LGBTQ…he’s attempting to bridge a communication gap and find common ground with someone is ideological opposite him. It’s very clear from listening to this.
There’s this sophomoric element in the online world where people latch onto a single example of something they don’t like, and immediately rail against it and use it to tout and amplify their own ideas and beliefs by shouting people down. It doesn’t work and never has. It creates echo chambers for sure, but it doesn’t solve problems or change minds. Talking with people who don’t agree with your point of view is the only way to gain an understanding, and possibly shift some views or find some sort of common ground. Civil rights leaders throughout history sure seemed to understand that, but people seem to want to ignore that now. I don’t see people jumping all over Jon Stewart for having people on TDS who he clearly does not agree with, as an example.
Charlie Kirk IS a humongous piece of shit, an abuser, a hater of women, and all kinds of other bad shit. Does he have people that listen to him? Yup. Will completely ignoring that and isolating yourself from him and his uncle followers and advance the general politiknor help change any minds? Sure as shit didn’t seem to happen in the last election, so…
He has two episodes and he has platformed bigots who aren’t rational conservatives so it’s entirely possible he has turned his back on the LGBTQ+ community.
Do you honestly think the people who support Kirk will support Newsom? I dont
Geez, y’all go overboard with some of this stuff and it’s ridiculous. Newsom is not anti-trans, he’s not anti-LGBTQ+, and he’s not against any rights of any other marginalized communities as far his other statements and actions assert. He said he thought the sports issue was “deeply unfair”.
Guess what? Lots of people do. I hate to use a meme phrase, but we DO live in a society that has to somehow represent all people where possible. We have to try and make as many people happy with what we have to work with.
You can think that’s an unfair situation for BOTH SIDES and not be against either one. Cis women thinking it’s unfair to compete against newly transitioned women are bad now? Women are suddenly bad or wrong for speaking out on something they take issue with? What about them?
Is Newsom on the wrong side of society for being an advocate in all other ways to the LGBTQ+ community but thinking this one thing isn’t fair to either side? No. That’s a stupid assertion.
It’s a complicated issue that nobody seems to have a great idea on how to solve to make everyone happy as of yet, and we have bigger societal issues for Trans people that are more pressing than fucking sports. Like protecting their existence and making sure they aren’t further marginalized.
Get a grip with this bullshit.
No one ever talks about all those times Benedict Arnold didn’t betray the US.
Lol are you kidding??? Now he’s Benedict Arnold. My fucking God. It’s like it’s impossible to help yourself to be reasonable and understand not everyone will agree with your exact definition or view of everything, and STILL not be against that. Totally okay for you do that though…
Yeah, he would’ve had to pretend to be an ally in order to betray people.
But it wasn’t just sports, he also agreed that minors shouldn’t be allowed to transition. Forcing a minor to go through one type of puberty when they wish to go through a different kind IMO is torture. Regret rates for transitioning are extremely low, and even if you do regret it you’re no worse off than someone who regrets not transitioning.
This isn’t just about trans people in sports. He is giving his platform to bigots who are anti-trans people existing in hopes of getting their support in 2028. It’s gross.
“It’s a complicated issue that nobody seems to have a great idea on how to solve to make everyone happy as of yet, and we have bigger societal issues for Trans people that are more pressing than fucking sports. Like protecting their existence and making sure they aren’t further marginalized.”
Giving platforms to bigots make this much harder. Why give them greater access?
Logic says that what he’s doing is what he said: bridge the gap between opposing forces in society.
Rationale says that he’s trying to appease a wider audience to run for President.
Do I like it? Not a fucking bit. Is either solution necessary to keep operating in politics? Absolutely.
Centrism’s holy grail is common ground between bigots whose approval they seek and… whatever whiny minority wants unreasonable shit like equality.
Im not sure you have to platform bigots. You could have on conservative guests who don’t have a history of hateful comments.
I could talk to JD Vance about stopping this bullshit with the tariffs, but he wouldn’t be the person to talk to about that, right?
Did newsom do that here? Because it sure looks like he brought charlie kirk on his podcast to make a point of agreeing with him about trans people.
Wow, he must just totally be lying about that now too. Where will his madness end???
Would you say Vance isn’t a bigot?
OK lol Bro shut the fuck up, you’ve already made so many wrong assumptions in this giant ass fucking wall of text, do you really just hearing yourself speak, do you mouth the words as you type?
In some cases, sure I’ll grant it can be unfair for newly transitioned women, i.e. on hormones for less than a year. After that, any potential advantage is for a large part nullified (which is overly simplistic as a timeline but whatever). Also, let’s be real honest on just how many people this affects. The amount is so staggeringly small that even if we put aside that there is only a temporary advantage, there’s really not much of a problem, just a handful of individuals.
But, and this is vitally important to understand, sports are not a core, vital governmental interest and thus do not need to be legislated. To be very plain, games are not important to the functioning of society. Individual leagues can come up with their own policies if they feel it so necessary to exclude the small number of trans women who want to participate.
The entire “debate” just shows we are not a serious society. God forbid trans women want to exist and pursue their interests.
As for Gavin Newsome, this really shows he’s trying a bit too hard to start a presidential run with a theory of “let’s be Republican Lite.” That worked so well the last time.
Did we listen to the same interview where he asked Charlie Kirk what policies they should borrow from MAGA and eventually landed on banning trans women from sports?
Yeah, and he shot Kirk down and ignored all the other idiotic shit, and the only common ground he found was…this. He didn’t even say he was against it ffs, just that it was unfair. Immediately everyone started up the “HE’S ANTI-TRANS” flagpole and refused to come back down. It’s insane.
Anti trans is anti woman.
That is categorically untrue. Sit and think about your comment for a few minutes.
Lol, many of us saw this coming when you first posted here. We already know your opinion on the matter and asking us to think more on it just makes you look… less flattering.
Can’t have someone saying bad things about the anti-trans movement.
I have been thinking about it since Rowling made her dumb comments. Civil rights are human rights.
It’s not unfair for trans women to play in sports though! His answer is what I expect from someone who hasn’t done their homework on the topic, which would be strange for a potential presidential candidate. I read this not as ignorance, but as a political calculation.
I read it as either cowardice or malice.
Then why you keep passin’ the hot mic to people talkin’ shit about trans athletes? Why amplify that voice on your government podcast? Thats literally Nazi shit. The Nazis made all this “traditional family” bullshit we are drowning in. So no, he shouldn’t be saying it and isolating the already vulnerable. Theres like 10 trans althetes in the fucken nation, leave them alone and fix the fucken markets.
Youre really leaning into my point. You’re going out of your way to equate random shit that has nothing to do with his actions or anything other things he’s done, but only that…he said the sports issue was deeply troubling. Nevermind the piece of shit he was talking to, which is way more troubling. Get mad that he was talking to Charlie Kirk of all people.
That’s the point… He brought on Charlie Kirk, and rather than, arguing with him… or trying to show his audience why what Kirk has to say shouldn’t have a place in the discourse. He basically was looking for something he can agree with and highlighting the good.
That’s not how you change minds or find common ground with people who are ideological opposite of you. It doesn’t work. We’re living through proof of that right now.
News flash… we’ve been trying the “oh yeah we don’t fully disagree, we grant you a bit of what you like, then you grant a bit of what we want”, and they respond, “oh thank you for what I want… GIVE ME MORE, oh and your stuff FUCK YOU”.
No different than when we caved out obamacare to give into the insane nonstop demands the republicans had for it, but it was worth it to earn… Zero republican votes, 60+ attempts to repeal it.
But less on the policy side lets go on just narrative public speaking types. Next step is the make your case, give a strong arguement for your side. But he’s not really doing that, he’s bringing the far right on, letting them speak, half the time agreeing, half the time being silent.
But ok, so he’s going to mix his guests 50/50, bring on one he agrees with, one he disagrees with, 2/2 right wing… nah doesn’t look that way either.
So question is, what’s he doing that’s different than Joe Rogan at this point?
That’s what we are complaining about. His second guest is also a known transphobe.
Did you even read the post linked? This is the subheading: “California’s Democratic governor was once considered an LGBTQ+ ally. So, what’s with the heel turn?”
You don’t think that’s a bit of an irrational headline? Newsom isnt turning heel, or abandoning a community, or anti-gay/trans/LGBTQ…he’s attempting to bridge a communication gap and find common ground with someone is ideological opposite him. It’s very clear from listening to this.
There’s this sophomoric element in the online world where people latch onto a single example of something they don’t like, and immediately rail against it and use it to tout and amplify their own ideas and beliefs by shouting people down. It doesn’t work and never has. It creates echo chambers for sure, but it doesn’t solve problems or change minds. Talking with people who don’t agree with your point of view is the only way to gain an understanding, and possibly shift some views or find some sort of common ground. Civil rights leaders throughout history sure seemed to understand that, but people seem to want to ignore that now. I don’t see people jumping all over Jon Stewart for having people on TDS who he clearly does not agree with, as an example.
Charlie Kirk IS a humongous piece of shit, an abuser, a hater of women, and all kinds of other bad shit. Does he have people that listen to him? Yup. Will completely ignoring that and isolating yourself from him and his uncle followers and advance the general politiknor help change any minds? Sure as shit didn’t seem to happen in the last election, so…
He has two episodes and he has platformed bigots who aren’t rational conservatives so it’s entirely possible he has turned his back on the LGBTQ+ community.
Do you honestly think the people who support Kirk will support Newsom? I dont
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