“Ziegler controversy” not being white is a controversy? Get fucked
That’s how they angered the nazis, then she opened her mouth and got the disney fans angry by bashing the original.
She is also is really unsympathetic in her interviews, very cocky and not humble at all. The trailers don’t make her look good either, as her acting seems bland.
They somehow managed to get everyone up against them instead of just the usual suspects.
The only thing I got from this is Peter Dinklage is a good guy.
I had zero interest in watching this movie before and that’s been reinforced by this article.
The Disneyholics will support it like they always do and the constant stream of rehash will continue unabated.
On the one hand, I agree with Dinklage - typecasting little people sucks. They are legitimate actors that deserve to have roles that aren’t just about their appearance.
On the other hand - Dinklage has made it big. He has paid his dues and sacrificed and now doesn’t have to worry whether he can pay next month’s rent, but most little people actors (or even actors in general) don’t have that luxury. By bullying Disney to change the cast, he cost 7 other actors a job that, considering it’s Disney, might have been a big break.
meh. I like dinklage but the dwarves are mythical creatures. I mean films with giants have nothing to do with people having gigantism.
If Rax was still around, Peter Dinklage’s deadpan delivery would have made a great rebooted “Mr D” mascot.