Lemmy itself allows you to block communities, instances, and users. But it does not support filtering by keyword, e.g. filtering out any post with the word “platypus” in the title regardless of where it was posted or by whom. With help from the comments below, here are some third party Lemmy clients that have their own implementation of keyword filtering:
Yeah, unfortunately unlike piefed’s (which persists across all sessions) you have to manually set the filters for each app you use tho. Thanks for the list of apps tho :)
I have the exact same filters running. There’s enough content about them falling through the cracks by not mentioning them by name that I don’t even feel like I’m missing anything, I’m just slightly more sane now.
I think even US citizens are tired of it at this point. Small shout-out to !AskUSA@discuss.online
We are. That’s why I filter anything containing Trump/Elon etc… in piefed.
I wish americans at the least would mark their posts with [USpol] so we could filter it out. I also wish lemmy would have keyword filters 🥲
Lemmy itself allows you to block communities, instances, and users. But it does not support filtering by keyword, e.g. filtering out any post with the word “platypus” in the title regardless of where it was posted or by whom. With help from the comments below, here are some third party Lemmy clients that have their own implementation of keyword filtering:
Do NOT support keyword filtering:
Comment anything I have missed or mistakes I made
Yeah, unfortunately unlike piefed’s (which persists across all sessions) you have to manually set the filters for each app you use tho. Thanks for the list of apps tho :)
Piefed can also have an expiration date just in case you want xxx days of no politics etc…
I believe there might be filters on some cell apps specifically for Lemmy? Maybe someone else can chime in.
I have the exact same filters running. There’s enough content about them falling through the cracks by not mentioning them by name that I don’t even feel like I’m missing anything, I’m just slightly more sane now.
It works 80osh percent which is good enough. It’s hard for a platform to deal with total blackout if people don’t bother to alt text images.
You can also do this with voyager, for those on mobile.