In a now-deleted post on Telegram, a hacking group called Dark Storm Team claimed responsibility for the attack.

Do you think it really was a group in Ukraine, or do you reckon that’s bullshit?

    21 hours ago

    Article says it’s a DoS but probably means DDoS because nobody does just a vanilla DoS anymore (they’re easy to block). No VPN is going to let you use their service to do a DDoS, setting aside the technical and logistical problems for attempting it, it doesn’t really do anything useful for a DDoS.

    DDoS attacks aren’t possible to IP trace, they come from a wide range of compromised devices forming a bot net that runs on IP blocks spanning multiple different areas all over the world, making them impossible to distinguish from legitimate traffic. The only way to catch who is responsible for a DDoS is to find the botnet’s control surface (usually something like an IRC channel) and gain access to it yourself. Not likely unless you find the malware that created the bot net and pull it apart looking for a reference to the control system.

    TL;DR: Elon musk is full of shit there’s no fucking way he knows where this attack originated from based on IP addresses because it probably didn’t use one easily blockable and identifiable IP range.