• randon31415@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    -The internet will become something only old people use and will fill up with old people like radio and TV before it. Something new will be the hip new thing that kids use/consume, though it technically could be considered the internet

    -Coal power plants will be phased out entirely in U.S.A. with some taking credit and others morning the loss of a purely economic conversion over to natural gas power. It will look like it is solar’s time to shine, but a “new” way of generating power which is cheaper and slightly cleaner will take over and slowly convert natural gas plants to whatever it is.

    -There will be a detracted argument over whether or not what comes after current gen-AI is considered sapient and worthy of rights. While the debate will be straightforward in a vacuum, other semi-related topics will mix in including: the rich wanting their AI doppelgangers to keep control of the money/power they earned during life; something to do with sex and/or relationships because of course there will be; religious opposition until the poll numbers swap, then there will be some regions that view AI rights a helping the disadvantaged

    -A young politician from the democrats will get elected on the back of anti-Trump hate. They will have in their first two years theoretically enough support to pass substantial legislation, but will be stopped by a small number of conservative democrats from doing anything substantial save for maybe one big accomplishment. They will loose the 2030 midterms to a bunch of republicans and a “grass-roots” organization that is paid for by rich business owners, but will come back to win the 2032 election against a rich republican from New England. However, they won’t have control over the congress and by 2035 will be a lame duck.

    -Someone will scrap NASA’s current human space flight plans to promote their own plan, which in itself will be scrapped when a new administration comes in. By 2035, articles will be printing “it is a shame that no real current alive human has stepped foot on the moon”, taking a subtle dig at China’s AI-human that is currently building structures on the moon.

    • Lv_InSaNe_vL@lemmy.world
      2 days ago

      someone will scrap NASAs current human space flight plans to promote their own plan, which in itself will be scrapped when a new administration comes in

      Kinda like how each administration switches if we are going to Mars or the Moon next based purely on what the previous guy said haha

    • CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
      2 days ago

      The first two feel like they’re missing details. What are you considering the real internet? Do you mean nuclear power will take over?