Post Link: NPR: NYC Rolls Back Bail Reforms (May 2023)

Giuliani: Eric Adams Can’t Let Hochul Have Bail Reform 2022

Giuliani and Adams are dragging Hochul towards the center on this issue. And Zeldin (2022 R. Governor Candidate) capitalizes on it.

NYPost: judge discretion was never the provlem

This writer effortlessly slides the goalpost. ‘We can debate the perceived issue of racism in bail all we want, but criminal court judges need to be able to decide.’

DataCollaborativeForJustice: Bail Reform issue explained 2023 (.PDF)

CNN: Police Say Recidivism Fuels Rise in Crime Stats 2022

CUNY summary of bail statistics (2022)

“The actual data on New York’s bail reform doesn’t lend itself to easy soundbites,” said Michael Rempel

VERA: NY Bail Reform effects on Prison Population

VERA: graphics on NYS Prison Pop.

69% of total NYS Jail Population is Pretrial Detainees

Recidivism is being used as the current wedge issue by police and reactionaries to undo bail reforms. It’s working. Eric Adams is providing the perfect reactionary playbook to fight against every single reform we want. We need to find rhetoric to combat these arguments.

  • Doug
    2 years ago

    Nice work, thanks. Most of this I hadn’t known about, being a long ways from New York…

    Bail is onerous and mostly just punishes poor people before there’s a verdict — guilty until proven innocent.