CPS has always been fucking useless in my opinion. Cigarette burn on my hand as a kid, but there was “insufficient evidence for removal”. Check out my post history to see what kind of person that decision led to…
My mom was a CPS agent for many years and a lot of that is out of their hands for various reasons. Mainly no budget in many areas, shitty judges unwilling to allow the kids to be moved, or if they can move the kids there is no one who will take them.
Doesn’t mean there aren’t shitty agents and supervisors, there are quite a few people who apply who are not qualified or have blatant issues.
I’m a foster parent and yeah, there just isn’t anywhere for these kids to go. In any given state there are hundreds of kids who need a bed. The statistics for kids in the system are absolutely abismal. Something like 50% of kids in the system will end up with an addiction. It’s super rough to be a foster parent.
Statisticly, kids are better off in abusive homes than in the system. Which is something that once I learnt, has been a constant battle to try to square
Thank you for your service. I was friends with a foster kid and the situation at the foster home was fucked. One day for fun I went with a bunch of the foster kids to an out of the way parking lot, where they just beat the shit out of each other, fight club style.
His foster parents seemed like nice people, but the living situation was more like a fucked up dormitory where you got what you could through intimidation and violence.
CPS has always been fucking useless in my opinion. Cigarette burn on my hand as a kid, but there was “insufficient evidence for removal”. Check out my post history to see what kind of person that decision led to…
A person that knits?
Lol, i should have said comment history, but yeah, knitting helps keep the demons at bay…
My mom was a CPS agent for many years and a lot of that is out of their hands for various reasons. Mainly no budget in many areas, shitty judges unwilling to allow the kids to be moved, or if they can move the kids there is no one who will take them.
Doesn’t mean there aren’t shitty agents and supervisors, there are quite a few people who apply who are not qualified or have blatant issues.
I’m a foster parent and yeah, there just isn’t anywhere for these kids to go. In any given state there are hundreds of kids who need a bed. The statistics for kids in the system are absolutely abismal. Something like 50% of kids in the system will end up with an addiction. It’s super rough to be a foster parent.
Statisticly, kids are better off in abusive homes than in the system. Which is something that once I learnt, has been a constant battle to try to square
It’s all so tragic
Thank you for your service. I was friends with a foster kid and the situation at the foster home was fucked. One day for fun I went with a bunch of the foster kids to an out of the way parking lot, where they just beat the shit out of each other, fight club style.
His foster parents seemed like nice people, but the living situation was more like a fucked up dormitory where you got what you could through intimidation and violence.
DJ I hope you’re ok.