AOC and Bernie Sanders have responded strongly to Elon Musk’s recent claim on Joe Rogan’s podcast that Social Security is “the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time.”
AOC called Musk “a leech on the public” who is “going after the elderly, the disabled, and orphaned children” despite benefiting from tax cuts and government contracts.
Sanders defended Social Security’s 89-year payment record and promoted his proposal to expand benefits by lifting the cap on income subject to payroll taxes.
The criticism comes as Trump, with Musk’s assistance, is working to reduce staffing at the Social Security Administration, potentially causing benefit delays and disruptions.
He is a parasite and must be treated accordingly.
Comparing him to a parasite is mean to the parasite.
Can he stop holding his hands like that holy shit
I guarantee you someone told them it was a power pose that they’ve practiced
More likely that “Burnsing” is an involuntary evil reflex.
I first saw that pose or similar back in an old Star Trek TOS episode where Spock is in the captain’s chair. But he ain’t Spock. Hell, he isn’t even Ferengi level.
The trump family does something similar. Eric had to be told to stop doing it during the inauguration
Can he not wear hats properly because of the hair implants or something?
IK,R? He looks like a kid that is wearing a hat for the first time.
Everyone always like to attack the welfare bum or the person trying to cheat a few hundred bucks out of the system
No one ever wants to talk about the millionaires and billionaires that pay little to no tax but want to have all their businesses subsidized and supported by the for free … millions of dollars at a time … when these wealthy idiots don’t need the money. The greatest twist to it all is that these wealthy morons are the same people that will argue that capitalism only works for the strongest, smartest and best individuals and companies … if you are so good and great, you don’t need government help or handouts to support your fantastic business.
instead of subsidized the rich, we should be taxing the fuck out of them. they either comply with wealth redistribution by taxation or we seize their assets.
Lead taxes.
And AOC leechs on this guy platform. Use mastodon
She should just tweet her mastodon posts. That way she gets coverage on shitter, and advertisement for mastadon.
Get Elong the fuck out of our retirement funds, daFUQ?!