I handle this, as do most poor people, by not asking ourselves this question, not even fantasizing about it, for why torture yourself with something you never can do?
The sun.
The fuckin moon, and it’s not even close. Get me off this rock
I’d just rent a cabin in a nearby mountain.
I don’t see the appeal in going far away from vacation.
Japan. Several European countries.
Probably any other country where I could get a doctor to take a look at my heart condition without having to take out a loan against my house to pay for it.
Honestly I wanna do an expedition to the North Pole and see the sun do weird shit. Then treck to the South Pole so I can see the sun do weird shit but backwards. Like I know that sun is a weird freak when it doesn’t think you’re looking, that’s why it does it at the poles. Then along the way from North to south I’ll tell people how weird the sun is, and they’ll have to believe me because I’ve been there, and they’ll have to say “damn the sun is weird”. Sun’s going to be so embarrassed when everyone finds out how weird it is.
That or like go to Cancun or something. Anywhere that I can keep track of the sun that twisted freak you aren’t fooling me.
I’d like to see Japan deeply. I’d go all the way across the country and make sure to stay at rural spots along the way to enjoy the stillness between cities.
Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri system. I’d keep spending money until we got a working fusion reactor and Alcubierre Drive, open source the designs, and go check that shit out.
My son asked me this yesterday. Japan.
I know this is an unpopular opinion, but maybe we should all cool it on the tourism. It’s terrible for the environment, mostly terrible for whomever was calling that place home. I know so many people that spout off about the environment and then think nothing of hopping on multiple flights per year.
If I were king everyone would get travel passes twice. Once in their 20s and again in their 60s.
Stay home, read a book, plant a garden.
I know this is an unpopular opinion, but maybe we should all cool it on the tourism.
… and crash the economy of number of countries, making their populations poorer. Tunisia - tourism is nearly tenth of their economy and employs 400,000 people - they have entire places built for tourists, nobody would live there otherwise. Morocco is 7%, Egypt is 8%.
And I want to spend my holidays somewhere where it is warm and sunny, not fucking wet and miserable.
So we should prop up an objectively destructive sector of the economy? They’ll all be a hell of a lot poorer when huge swaths of the earth becomes much harder to survive in. And I’m extremely skeptical anything of that 8% of Egypt’s tourism money trikles down in a way that anyone would call fair or equitable.
And I’m sorry, but I’m not willing to burn down the planet so you can sip fruity drinks under a palm tree. Perhaps if we had invested in a rail system that was worth a damn it would be a different story. But here we are.
Tourism isn’t just sipping drinks. It’s also broadening your cultural horizon and learning about other countries and cultures
Might be something you want to try
I have tried it. Learned a good chunk of a second language in fact. Nice of you to assume and imply I’m a xenophobic ignoramus tho. Appreciate that.
And if you’ll go back to my original comment I never actually advocated for a complete stop to travel, only that we slow down and exercise some moderation.
Not to mention we have internet and readily available books on just about any topic you care to name. Much different situation than even 50ys ago as far expanding your own horizons goes. I know it’s not the same as being there but still.
And I’m no more willing to burn the planet for your cultural horizons than the next guys fruity cocktail.
A lot of colonizer mindset happening in this area
I’m not willing to burn down the planet so you can sip fruity drinks under a palm tree.
You want 400 000 people in Tunisia and tens on millions to lose their jobs to pamper to your prejudice. You are a complete fool. Fortunately you have absolute nothing to say in this matter.
It’s like saying we have to keep supporting Israel because we don’t want to lose weapons sales. Nice name calling though. Brilliant rhetoric, really put me in my place.
Keep flying, consuming conspicuously. Fuck everyone else. Every generation to come. Fuck the animals, fuck the earth. You got yours right?
It’s like saying we have to keep supporting Israel because we don’t want to lose weapons sales.
If you think tourism is comparable with war crimes, you are even bigger fool than I thought.
It was an example of propping up a destructive practice for the benefit economy. One meant to illustrate dollars on an account sheet isn’t enough to justify a morally dubious practice.
I asserted earlier that these places would be poorer for the effects of climate change. You blew right past that into name calling and and a feeble attempt at twisting my words to ridiculous lengths. Care to comment?
Or perhaps you could explain how your gracing these places with your presence, allowing yourself to be served hand and foot, is the only path forward for these economies? There are so many ways to support a region, to lend a hand and invest in their future.
Destroying tourism would mean destroying number of countries and ruining people lives. If you don’t understand it thank you ARE a fool - this is a reasonable assessment of your intellectual capabilities, not a name calling.
Now, disengage, fool.
Well if money is no object then a world tour that lasts the rest of my life, thanks (or if I can use this magic purse on behalf of others instead, stay home and buy up all the world’s debt, sponsor a jubilee year.)
I’d donate alot to my local makerspace then take unpaid leave for a good while and just make things. If I had to travel i would probably go to Germany to see a few friends, it’s been too long.