Free office suite – the evolution of OpenOffice. Compatible with Microsoft .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx. Updated regularly, community powered.
You should there is also OnlyOffice, which has better compatibility with Microsoft file formats (and uses Microsoft formats by default). Its also generally good, and open source.
I use both OnlyOffice and LibreOffice on different computers. Both are good.
From your linked thread it seems potentially still acceptable, being fully local , open source, and with an international contributor team. But yeah no such ties with LibreOffice.
You should there is also OnlyOffice, which has better compatibility with Microsoft file formats (and uses Microsoft formats by default). Its also generally good, and open source.
I use both OnlyOffice and LibreOffice on different computers. Both are good.
For those who care OnlyOffice has ties to Russia
I use libreoffice.
Today I Learned, thanks for sharing.
From your linked thread it seems potentially still acceptable, being fully local , open source, and with an international contributor team. But yeah no such ties with LibreOffice.
Yep made me drop it.