You’re not able to free-think. You are the face of New Zealand
Like many of the things ultranationalist scumbags like Winston Peters say, that speaks volumes about why jingoism is ruinous for the countries it purports to lionize…
Prime minster Luton is such a fucken spanner.
Worst is the ACT party - like the Germans AfD
Silencing those who talked about concerns publicly was also a thing back then.
That ambassador is a former high-ranking politician from a party that is not currently in power. This may be more to do with opportunistic score settling than alignment with Trump.
This may be more to do with opportunistic score settling than alignment with Trump
It might, but given that the guy doing the firing is the founder and still leader of the ultranationalist hive of bigots known as New Zealand First, I think it’s beyond safe to assume that he’s aligned with Trump on at least one issue…
regardless of internal politics, the censure of such comments seems like NZ is happy make an appearance as an american lap dog in this light 🙁
when trump watches ww2 movies, he’s cheering for the germans.
The Hugo Boss uniforms do make them look much better than the opposing armies.
New Zealand gov only cares about Billionaire recluses now.
Gaben’s threatened them with VAC bans.