The trollbots that used to howl to defund the CBC and fuck Trudeau have recently had their prompts changed, and now they are promoting Canada, because a Canada that is fighting back against the USA with the support of the world is exactly what Russia would want to happen.
People love to love Canada, it’s some kind of weird super power. We can get away with the worst shit and the world just sees maple syrup and hockey. And then Canadians bask in that false reflected glow, and start to think that’s what they’re really like.
The trollbots that used to howl to defund the CBC and fuck Trudeau have recently had their prompts changed, and now they are promoting Canada, because a Canada that is fighting back against the USA with the support of the world is exactly what Russia would want to happen.
And everyone is eating it up, didn’t know borscht was so popular
People love to love Canada, it’s some kind of weird super power. We can get away with the worst shit and the world just sees maple syrup and hockey. And then Canadians bask in that false reflected glow, and start to think that’s what they’re really like.